summernote / summernote

Super simple WYSIWYG editor
MIT License
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Can you release v0.8.21? #4612

Open wonsuc opened 3 months ago

wonsuc commented 3 months ago

I mean it's been a so long while since the last version released. If v0.9.0 takes very very long times more, can you guys release the current develop branch with fixed hotfixes updates? Sorry if my opinion is not appropriate in the current situation of you guys.

DennisSuitters commented 3 months ago

We're working on it. I can probably do it, but I'm not sure of the process that @lqez goes through, so unless I'm either given written or verbal permission to do so, I won't be doing it. I have been advocating for it though. If you don't require using Summernote via NPM or CDN, you can build the project locally if you require the latest changes.

wonsuc commented 3 months ago

All libraries of our project need to be managed by npm, that's why.

sebas-ambrero commented 3 months ago

This blocks updating to 0.8.20 for me as well, the husky fix, PR #4365, is the main issue.

@lqez please help @DiemenDesign, or give permission :)

dqwork commented 1 month ago

Another vote for a patch release here. The husky issue that hasn't been released makes this library unusable if you don't use husky, since it can't be installed with out it

DennisSuitters commented 1 month ago

It can, I don't use Husky, though, I do use it the Old Skool way which works fine for me.

I'll keep pushing for a release.

dqwork commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure what you mean by the old school way.

my package.json contains

"summernote": "^0.8.20",

I run npm ci and it fails with

npm ERR! path <redacted_path>\node_modules\summernote
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c husky install
npm ERR! 'husky' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
npm ERR! operable program or batch file.

If there is a different way to use this package that doesnt result in this failure (and doesn't require installing husky, please can you share it, it would be appreciated

DennisSuitters commented 1 month ago

What I was referring to is the traditional way of incorporating Javascript into web pages using <script/> tags.

dqwork commented 1 month ago

ah I see, we bundle and pack and all that fun stuff via webpack so I don't thats an option for us, but good to know for others.

Anyway I look forward to the patch release (fingers crossed 😃 )

DennisSuitters commented 1 month ago

Same, I was hoping it would have happened by now.

komatom commented 1 month ago

Another vote to release version 0.8.21 with husky fix.

tsimonq2 commented 3 weeks ago

Here is another vote to release a new version; I'm using this for a project I'm developing, and 0.8.20 has a broken Style button with Bootstrap 5. Would be great to rely on a CDN instead of having to vendor this in my code...

andrii-kasparevych commented 3 weeks ago

+1, would be nice to have a fresh version released :)

sebas-ambrero commented 3 weeks ago

I think @lqez is MIA (for months it looks like) and Dennis does not want to release without approval even though he could.

Not sure what the procedure is when @lqez does not return?

tsimonq2 commented 2 weeks ago

I really do think there should be a release regardless of @lqez's return - they have not raised any objections, so perhaps their interest has moved on to something else. IMO there are more reasons to release than not release at this point, especially given the bitrot of the most current version.

@DennisSuitters would you reconsider, please?