sumnertech / apex-sert

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Create a Rule repository #8

Open sspendol opened 4 months ago

sspendol commented 4 months ago

We should provide a repository that stores known, good Rule Sets. These Rule Sets can then be pulled from the repository and installed in any APEX-SERT instance. This mechanism can also be used to provide updates based on new releases of APEX.

This can be done via ORDS web services and hosted in the OCI Free tier. We should require users to at least provide an email and provide them with a unique key. This can be used for anonymous metrics, as well as the ability to terminate a user who is making too many requests. We can also send out notifications when new updates are pushed so users of APEX-SERT can pull and install them.

sspendol commented 3 months ago

Rules should also have a VERSION column that is specific to the rule, not version of APEX. This will allow for rule "patches" to be created & delivered, in the case of a bug with the rule.