sumoheavy / jira-ruby

A Ruby gem for the JIRA REST API
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Load Active Support's Object extensions #435

Closed jcouball closed 4 months ago

jcouball commented 4 months ago

If active_support/core_ext/object was not already loaded and there is an http error, the following undefined method error would be raised:

/home/xxxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.2/gems/jira-ruby-2.3.0/lib/jira/http_error.rb:11:in `initialize': undefined method `presence' for "Bad Request":String (NoMethodError)

      @message = response.try(:message).presence || response.try(:body)

The presence method is defined by Active Support's Object extensions.

To reproduce this issue, in the root of the project repository, save the following code to a file (say test.rb):

require 'jira-ruby'

response =, :body).new('my message', 'my body')

and then run with the following command run in the repository's root folder:

ruby -Ilib test.rb

This results in the following error:

/Users/couballj/SynologyDrive/Documents/Projects/jira-ruby/lib/jira/http_error.rb:11:in `initialize': undefined method `presence' for an instance of String (NoMethodError)

      @message = response.try(:message).presence || response.try(:body)

This PR adds the require statement to load these Active Support extensions.

After this change, there is no error when the above script is run.

jcouball commented 4 months ago

@bobbrodie this PR is ready for review.

bobbrodie commented 4 months ago

Fantastic, thanks @jcouball -- I'll get this merged along with a few others for the upcoming release

bobbrodie commented 4 months ago

@jcouball just a heads up, this wasn't caught in CI because we haven't yet merged the preparation for v3.0.0 which runs on pull_request, but this introduces failure:

  1) JIRA::Base converts to json
     Failure/Error: expect(h.to_json).to eq(h_attrs.to_json)

       expected: "{\"key\":{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"dead\":\"beef\"}}"
            got: "{\"key\":{\"client\":{\"__expired\":false,\"name\":\"client\"},\"attrs\":{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"dead\":\"beef\"},\"expanded\":false,\"deleted\":false}}"

Requiring active_support/core_ext/object on HTTPError is loading it across the project and changes the behavior of to_json.

I updated our test here: to get it to pass. Note that Ruby 2.4 through 2.6 won't pass, but that's expected. We're planning to drop support for those in v3.0.0 since they're EOL.

jcouball commented 4 months ago

Thanks, @bobbrodie, for the info.