sumotoy / TFT_ILI9163C

A library for ILI9163C displays for Teensy, Arduino, ESP82266 and more...
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Rectangle on top of screen #45

Closed arturgoms closed 8 years ago

arturgoms commented 8 years ago

In my teensy 3.2 and 1.0.7 I'm getting a rectangle on top is screen.. I already set the settings.h but no success.

arturgoms commented 8 years ago


sumotoy commented 8 years ago

It's a RED PCB but yellow pin or black pin one? Yellow Pin: decomment #include "../_display/TFT_ILI9163C_RED_PCB_YPIN.h" Balc pin: decomment //#include "../_display/TFT_ILI9163C_RED_PCB_OLD.h" And it works, I have both TFT here and the tft in the picture is a clear sign that has the wrong offset (32 pixels, I can beat on it)

arturgoms commented 8 years ago

I try with all includes, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I have de red one with black pins.. V1.1

Led 3v3 Sck 13 Sda 11 A0 20 Reset 3v3 Cs 21 Gnd gnd Vcc 3v3

Any idea?

Thank you.

sumotoy commented 8 years ago

Did you noticed any change on display when change settings? I mean, the rectangle change position? It SHOULD, because you are changing the offset of the whole screen. Please report this. If this doesn't happen, maybe you have 2 version of the library, one inside Arduino/hardware/teensy/avr/libraries/ and another one inside your sketches folder/libraries/

An user reported a RED PCB black pin v1.1 but was an ST7735, I believe that all the latest version use chinese unbranded chip clones so they put whatever they have on hands inside, maybe you can try my ST7735 as showed here: It's exact the same library but for ST, please be sure to use the 1.0p It's too early now to say "...uh, oh, here's another display strain..." but in the last year chinese changes this display so many times that forced me to introduce an universal workaround for present and future offset.

arturgoms commented 8 years ago

YOU ARE RIGTH, There was two libraries, i just uncomment the library in avr folder and booom, WORKS!! Thank you so much.

sumotoy commented 8 years ago

cool !