sumotoy / TFT_ILI9163C

A library for ILI9163C displays for Teensy, Arduino, ESP82266 and more...
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line on bottom of screen #59

Open iamtaranov opened 6 years ago

iamtaranov commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to connect the teensy 3.2 to the ILI9163C display, but I'm having this problem img_20170824_143105 I read library readme file and tried to connect according to the appropriate scheme vcc -> 3.3v gnd -> gnd cs -> cs (10 pin) rst -> 3.3v (trying digital pins too) a0 -> dc/rs pins (It's 7 or 8 pins, right?) sda -> mosi (11 pin) sck -> sclk (13 pin) led -> 3.3v BUT, it didn't work. I tried to connect a0 pin to 9 pin on teensy, and it worked! But I have a problem that is pictured in the photo. I tried change settings (change TFT_ILI9163C_RED_PCB_OLD to TFT_ILI9163C_BLACK_PCB or TFT_ILI9163C_RED_PCB_YPIN, change offsets and every time reloaded Arduino ide) and uploaded a new sketch but nothing changed 😢 Could you tell me if I have mistakes? Or what should I try to change? I apologize for my bad english. Thank you. P.S I counted the pixels on this line, their 32. P.S.S Earlier this display worked with arduino without problems, but for a long time it lay, and I can not now check the performance on arduino

iamtaranov commented 6 years ago

Please close issue, i'ts my mistake, I made several errors while loading the library and because of this I got this problem.