sumotoy / TFT_ILI9163C

A library for ILI9163C displays for Teensy, Arduino, ESP82266 and more...
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Clarification Connections #61

Open Tokn59 opened 7 years ago

Tokn59 commented 7 years ago

Hello, thank you for sharing this with us !

I need some clarification on the connections to an ESP8266-E12 with a single LCD :

Display side | ESP8266(NodeMCU 0.9) pin

CS | 16 <- This is GPIO16 so PIN D0 ? A0 | 5 <- This is GPIO05 so PIN D1 ? RESET | 10K to +3v3 <) R 10 K between PIN and 3.3 V ? SCK | D5 (sclk) SDA | D7 (mosi) LED | 100R to +5V GND | gnd VCC | +5V <- Not 3.3 V ???

Is this correct ?

In the code I see the following pin assignments :

define __CS 10

define __DC 9

define __RST 2

What should these be for ESP8266 ?

Thanks !!!
