sumotoy / TFT_ILI9163C

A library for ILI9163C displays for Teensy, Arduino, ESP82266 and more...
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Library is blocking ability for DallasTemperature/Onewire libraries to read DS18B20 sensor #76

Open moeburn opened 12 months ago

moeburn commented 12 months ago

Hello, thank you for this wonderful library, I have used it on both a Particle Photon and now a NodeMCU ESP-12E ESP8266 module. It works great on both.

The problem is when I try to add a DS18B20 sensor. The library for this sensor is apparently very reliant on timing. It is unable to find or read any sensors on the onewire bus as long as this LCD library is initialized and running. As soon as I comment out the LCD library and code, the serial debug reports that it can find the sensor.

I have tried nearly every library there is for this sensor, and there are a lot. I have tried every other GPIO pin available, for both the lcd and the sensor. None of them are able to read so long as this TFT library is running. It's all very strange, but I suppose to be expected when they are so reliant on timing due to the nature of the onewire bus, and this library is so fast due to low level hardware access.