sumotoy / gpio_expander

A library for drive a lot of GPIO chips with Arduino/Teensy3.x or LC
66 stars 29 forks source link

Update mcp23017.cpp #1

Closed maPrata closed 9 years ago

maPrata commented 9 years ago

Replaced = with += in line 179. Original code would overwrite first byte read with 0x00.

sumotoy commented 9 years ago

thanks, looks good! I will test this tomorrow

maPrata commented 9 years ago

Hopefully the first of many contributions on github

sumotoy commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I always look at some contribution

moritzmhmk commented 9 years ago

why is this not merged yet?

sumotoy commented 9 years ago

OOpppsss! I also have some important update for the whole library, gpioFastDigitalWrite, etc. Also perfect compatibility with SPI transactions, Ide 1.0.6, IDE 1.5.8 and full Energia compatibility. Tomorrow I will merge all mods.