Open deduced opened 6 years ago
I have read quite a bit on how to work with Heroku for automatic deployment. My proposal is that we start with the following:
So this will work as follows:
If we get to the point that we have test coverage, then we would add TRAVIS CI to the mix to build our app and run the tests. Only if those tests are successful would a deployment even be attempted.
This is, of course, a tad bit of overkill for this project but the dev build --> staging --> production is the most basic CI pipeline, so it's good for us to practice.
Once we have our first iteration of a bare-bones app, we can wire up the approach and use it to automatically deploy as we roll out features.
Ready to set up the first iteration of automated deployment to heroku. Please review and sign off on the pull request:
The pull request description contains a summary of the changes I made. There were additional changes made apart from the directly necessary items for Heroku.
This is all set. Heroku is now set up with a staging / production and automated review builds. We can test out at the next pull request.
Analyzing Travis CI as an interim solution as well as Heroku as a direct deployment hook.