sumup / sumup-android-sdk

Sample App for the SumUp Android SDK
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Timeout on Status Activity #107

Closed shaksp closed 4 years ago

shaksp commented 4 years ago


We are using the built in Status Screens on the SDK for a donation kiosk app rather than our own Payment status page.

What we would like is if a user makes a payment or cancels a payment and then walks away without Skipping/Dismissing the Status Page, the page times out and returns to the App after a timeout period. Currently it just stays on the Status Page until someone else Skips/Dismisses it.

Also - I note alot of the issues with bluetooth locks up on the reader (AIRE205) is if it receives two commands close together - e.g. prepare and transaction commands. It needs a wait time between needs to clearing down a transaction before preparing for another.

Kind Regards,

JullianSU commented 4 years ago

Hi shaksp,

It looks like you are using an unattended use case, can you please describe more at

Many thanks,