sumup / sumup-android-sdk

Sample App for the SumUp Android SDK
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Resending Receipts using SDK #108

Open shaksp opened 4 years ago

shaksp commented 4 years ago

I notice that it is possible to send receipts manually from the Main SumUp App (not SDK). In the transactions, it is possible to click Resend and provide a sms/phone number.

I would like to be able to do this from my app which uses the SDK where I pass in a TX-Code and Sumup sends/resends a receipt.

I note there is an activity - com.sumup.merchant.ui.Activities.ResendReceiptActivity but I can't work out how to use it as this is not a documented feature. Is this possible please?

The reason I require this is that I would like to SkipSuccessScreen but still allow users to send receipts via SumUp if requested. I need to do this as transactions are not committed to my database until the user presses Skip/Send Receipt on this screen and sometimes this can stay on this Receipt screen for ages if users (donors) walk away without Skipping. If I use SkipSuccessScreen then I can ensure the transaction is committed and then the user can choose to go into receipt or not (and I can timeout my own activities unlike SumUp activities).

JullianSU commented 4 years ago

Hi Shaksp,

Thank you for your message, the receipt can only be sent via the receipt screen, which as you mentioned it is skipped with SkipSuccessScreen. From what I understand your app is for an unattended business?

Many thanks,