sumup / sumup-android-sdk

Sample App for the SumUp Android SDK
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Duplicate affiliate key requests #38

Closed claudiopaccone closed 6 years ago

claudiopaccone commented 6 years ago

With newest SDK's release (2.5.1) is requested to pass affiliate key both within SumUpLogin builder and within SumUpPayment builder.
Furthermore, if affiliate key within SumUpLogin builder is not correct the resultCode obtained from SumUpAPI.openLoginActivity will be a SumUpAPI.Response.ResultCode.SUCCESSFULresponse. After that, if i pass the correct affiliate key to SumUpAPI.checkout the payment will be performed correctly and it generate an inconsistent situation.

ismaellg commented 6 years ago

Hey there. Are you also using an access token in SumUpLogin? If so your affiliate key is indeed being ignored. The next SDK version will deprecate the affiliate key at checkout so it will be only required in login. By version 3.0 it will be removed

claudiopaccone commented 6 years ago

Yes, i'm using an access token within SumUpLogin. I'll wait for next release, thanks

vfoixcable commented 6 years ago

Hi, SDK 2.5.2 just got released:

Closing the issue!