sumup / sumup-android-sdk

Sample App for the SumUp Android SDK
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Add prefixes for SumUp SDK resource files #96

Open eugene-ltv opened 4 years ago

eugene-ltv commented 4 years ago

Please add some unique prefix for all resources. For example sumup_ or com_sumup_.

When I tried to use a layout with the name activity_checkout.xml got the runtime error:

java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field checkout_toolbar of type I in class Lcom/sumup/merchant/R$id;

Android Studio doesn't give a hint when you create a layout with duplicate name, only when you are trying to rename it to existing.

MarcusWolschon commented 4 years ago

Sumup can even enforce this in it's gradle file via

android {
    resourcePrefix 'sumup_'
JullianSU commented 4 years ago

Hi Eugene, Hi Marcus,

Thank you for your inputs, we think it is something valuable and we will tackle for the next iteration of the SDK. More to follow in early 2020.

Many thanks,