sumup / sumup-android-sdk

Sample App for the SumUp Android SDK
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AuthenticateWithToken does not work #97

Closed GustasI closed 4 years ago

GustasI commented 4 years ago

After receiving the access_token from the sum up API, using the grant_type 'password', I try and call AuthenticateWithToken. This returns [Error: Invalid Token] without any other explanation. I am positive the affiliate key is from the account that I use to receive the access token with.

JullianSU commented 4 years ago

Hi Gustasl

Thank you for contacting us, could you please send an email at with the client_id that you are using to issue the token.

Many thanks,

Furiacs commented 4 years ago

@GustasI look this:

I had the same problem and it was resolved this way.

GustasI commented 4 years ago

@Furiacs did try this solution, the token I receive with grant_type password is the one, that does not work.

Furiacs commented 4 years ago

@GustasI did you try this?

    grant_type: 'password',
    client_id: 'client id created in SumUp control panel',
    username: 'your account username',
    password: 'your account password'

This way really works for me...

JullianSU commented 4 years ago

Hi Furiacs,

The issue was different and now solved. Thank you for your contribution to this topic.

Many thanks,