sumup / sumup-ios-url-scheme

URL scheme documentation and sample app for iOS
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Connection Error #17

Closed jorgerider closed 1 year ago

jorgerider commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to include the SumUp iOS API into my system.

Everything is working on Android On the other side, I am struggling with iOS.

This is what I am doing:

let request: SMPPaymentRequest = SMPPaymentRequest(amount: 1.0,
                                                   currency: "PLN",
                                                   title: "This is a title",
                                                   affiliateKey: "MY-AFFILIATE-KEY")

request.callbackURLFailure = URL(string:"sumuppoc://")
request.callbackURLSuccess = URL(string:"sumuppoc://")

And I am always getting a "Connection Error" in the SumUp application when trying to launch the payment to the device.

I am using a SumUp Air device (configured to be paid in 'PLN' as currency (as I said before, everything works fine on Android.

I am using iOS version 15.7.1.

Thanks a lot

jorgerider commented 1 year ago

Ok, I understood the reason:

Note: Add the app ID com.sumup.appswitch in the developer section of your SumUp account as it is required for the iOS platform. The rest of the parameters can be changed depending upon the SumUp account configuration and requirements

Btw, you should include that in the official documentation as it is not mentioned anywhere (or I couldn't find it)