sumuzhao / CycleGAN-Music-Style-Transfer

Symbolic Music Genre Transfer with CycleGAN
MIT License
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Question regarding the dataset and model training #17

Open anuragralla opened 4 years ago

anuragralla commented 4 years ago

Hey thank you for this amazing code. I have some questions about the code. I'm able to run the code without any errors but the model isn't being trained and nothing is happening with the testing part. Weights, offsets and scales all show zero. Could you please help out with this, @sumuzhao ?

dedededefo commented 1 year ago

Hello, Have you solved this problemI think the convert used in the second step of data preprocessing_ There is a problem with the converter function in It cannot implement the function when installing the package he specified. h

dedededefo commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have encountered the same problem. Have you solved it