sumuzhao / CycleGAN-Music-Style-Transfer

Symbolic Music Genre Transfer with CycleGAN
MIT License
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Problem about dataset preprocessing #18

Open deathrc opened 3 years ago

deathrc commented 3 years ago

Great work!

I tried to use your code to reproduce this work from zero. I want to ask some question about data preparation. I used your code midi cleaning, time signature selection and so on. Finally before split a training and testing set, I have 24232 classic npy, 13286 jazz npy and 25995 pop nay files. That's too much compared to the npy dataset you offer. I don't know where I'm wrong. Could you please show me the script you used of generate training and testing spy file?

Best regards

dedededefo commented 1 year ago


我尝试使用您的代码从零开始重现这项工作。 我想问一些关于数据准备的问题。我使用了您的代码 midi 清理、拍号选择等。 最后在拆分训练和测试集之前,我有 24232 个经典 npy、13286 个爵士乐 npy 和 25995 个流行 nay 文件。与您提供的 npy 数据集相比,这太多了。我不知道我哪里错了。你能告诉我你用来生成训练和测试间谍文件的脚本吗?


Hello, I also encountered a problem about data preprocessing. Have you solved it