sumuzhao / CycleGAN-Music-Style-Transfer

Symbolic Music Genre Transfer with CycleGAN
MIT License
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Combining midi files #4

Open aihobbyist opened 5 years ago

aihobbyist commented 5 years ago

Per I've been able to convert a midi file into multiple numpy arrays of shape (64, 84, 1) which I can then run a trained model on. This will return a midi file (cycle, transfer) for each individual numpy array, which will of course only be a few seconds in length each. Is there code for combining midi files? I assume this must have been done for the examples given where full songs are converted.

sumuzhao commented 5 years ago

Hey, it is easy. You can just concatenate the numpy arrays together and then call the function save_midis. Basically, the individual numpy array is a phrase which is composed of 4 bars. Take a look at save_midis in and functions in

esemeniuc commented 5 years ago

@aihobbyist can you please post how you converted the file?