sunaku / glove80-keymaps

"Glorious Engrammer" keymap for Glove80 keyboard
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Custom international keys #1

Closed JavierOrtegaP closed 11 months ago

JavierOrtegaP commented 11 months ago


Can you please explain how to include Ñ in any layer while on en-US? Would like it on right pinky for magic layer and can't get it to work.


sunaku commented 11 months ago

That would depend on your operating system: see this guide for the different keystrokes needed to input that letter. Once you know the necessary keystrokes, you can define a new ZMK macro in the "Custom Defined Behaviors" snippet and then bind it to your desired key in the Glove80 Layout Editor. For example, see this Glove80 keymap for typing Swedish letters on macOS under the en-US locale, with further discussion on Discord including screenshots and keymap variations for Norwegian letters.

sunaku commented 11 months ago

Alternatively, you could write a ZMK macro to temporarily instruct your computer to switch locale from en-US to es-ES, and then send the native keystrokes for Ñ, and finally switch back to en-US. As before, this would all depend on your operating system. For example, see the uk_numbers1 and uk_numbers2 macros in this Glove80 keymap for inputting Danish letters.

sunaku commented 11 months ago

Hey @JavierOrtegaP, you should be able to do it through the world.yaml file now in v25. :tada: See the instructions in the customization section of the README.

JavierOrtegaP commented 11 months ago

Many thanks @sunaku , I will have a look and hopefully get it to work; you rock!

Edit: Confirmed that it works by editing world.yaml as explained; created #2