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yank via mosh & tmux working on command line, but not interactively via tmux commands #9

Open erwin opened 10 months ago

erwin commented 10 months ago

I was using xsel to handle copying screen elements in tmux, but I'm trying to move to your yank script so I don't have to deal with the X11 variables...

It works fine on the command line...

/usr/bin/mosh my_system --no-init tmux
echo foo | yank

Then CLTR+SHIFT+V and "foo" is pasted in... Exactly what I hope for.

However, replacing the xsel -i entries in ~/.tmux.conf with yank > #{pane_tty} doesn't seem to be working for me...

Even the default setting you suggested isn't working for me:

# transfer copied text to attached terminal with yank
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi Y send-keys -X copy-pipe 'yank > #{pane_tty}'

I've checked $PATH, I've checked the permissions for yank, checked the versions of tmux and mosh...

Tmux is 3.3a Mosh is 1.4.0

I'm probably missing something obvious.

Please let me know if you've got any idea how to further troubleshoot this!