sunaku / tamzen-font

💌 Bitmapped programming font, based on Tamsyn
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MAC OS X dfont files don't render #13

Closed opsxcq closed 4 years ago

opsxcq commented 7 years ago

On Mac OS X Sierra, 10.12.4 (16E195), dfont files are blank. Besides the file not being empty, and I was able to install them on my system. I can't view anything that uses this typeface.

Bellow an image to illustrate this issue, that happens when I open any dfont file from this repository. I tested with other dfont files from other repositories, they install and render perfectly.


sunaku commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your report. :+1: The dfont files are generated by FontForge, so we should report this upstream. :flags: This is similar to issue #7 about TTF files, which we reported upstream to FontForge at

Since I don't own/use a Mac, you are welcome to try your hand at this problem: :sweat_smile:

g3g3n3 commented 4 years ago

will this ever be fixed? When I open the's empty and will not install. Also, when opened with fontforge the character glyphs are empty.

sunaku commented 4 years ago

Please try the :sparkles: brand new :sparkles: TTF version of this font (under the ttf/ subfolder) instead of dfont:

2020-05-07 19_52_06-

See also:

sunaku commented 4 years ago

Closing. :policeman: Please use the TTF version of this font (available in the ttf/ subfolder) instead of dfont.