Closed danihodovic closed 8 years ago
Great idea! :sparkles: Added in commit fa3f6605b7e221de5777d6a602bf0f17ac6d23db. See README for example:
" Search API docs for query you type in:
nnoremap <Leader><Leader>k :Dasht!<Space>
" Search API docs for word under cursor:
nnoremap <silent> <Leader><Leader>K :call Dasht(expand('<cword>'), '!')<Return>
" Search API docs for the selected text:
vnoremap <silent> <Leader><Leader>K y:<C-U>call Dasht(getreg(0), '!')<Return>
That was quick. Thanks!
Is it possible to add a feature that searches for all docsets and not only the ones specific to your filetype?