suncat2000 / MobileDetectBundle

Symfony 2/3/4 bundle for detect mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version.
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All returns = false #48

Closed tobias-r closed 10 years ago

tobias-r commented 10 years ago


I installed the bundle like in description. Everything works fine, even the services are installed correctly and the twig-functions are callable.

The problem, I always get false with every method: $this->get('mobile_detect.mobile_detector')->isMobile() -> false $this->get('mobile_detect.mobile_detector')->isFullView() -> false Same with twig is_mobile and is_not_mobile_view

Don't really know what to do, can anybody help?

ricoli commented 10 years ago

Are you sure that you have the correct user agent in order for the device to be considered a mobile?

tobias-r commented 10 years ago

It worked after a while. It's a bit far back, so I can't remember what the problem was. Closing this