Creating these catalog views when the external functions already exist will cause the following error on upgrade.
File: 022_sundeck_views.sql
[Uncaught exception of type 'STATEMENT_ERROR' on line 3 at position 0 : Execution of an external function is not permitted in the context of an application setup script] was primary error.
I couldn't come up with a solution to this problem, so I'm reverting this for now.
[x] I have verified that my change is functionally correct (unit tests are great).
[x] Queries against newly-added, user-facing objects can be expected to complete in 1's of seconds.
[x] My change will not have a substantial increase the user's cost to have the app installed (did you add any new tasks?).
Pull Request Template
Creating these catalog views when the external functions already exist will cause the following error on upgrade.
I couldn't come up with a solution to this problem, so I'm reverting this for now.