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Evaluate alternative ways to assess Gorilla Bets #1

Open kywe665 opened 5 months ago

kywe665 commented 5 months ago

The google search results queries should use quotes to better represent Gorilla bets. More thoughts here

jacques-n commented 5 months ago

I think you have a great point in your article that quotes might be better to evaluate Google search results. It really falls under the larger question "How else can we assess Gorilla betas?" It's expected that cloud vendors will publically say they support all three: they want to maximize their compute workloads and never give anyone a reason to pick a competitor over them. None of them win publicly by admitting that they prefer or prioritize one format over another (different from Snowflake and Databricks, who are trying to duke it out).

Some other ways to evaluate investment priorities that might be useful to look at:

PS: I updated your title to be less inflammatory. The best thing we can do for the community is to minimize rhetoric.