sundevista / local-quotes

📜 Collect your quotes from all over the vault and embed them in different locations with refresh delays
MIT License
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Search issue #27

Closed George20730 closed 10 months ago

George20730 commented 10 months ago

Great plugin some issues.

  1. both the Documentation and Roadmap option give me a 404 error :( I did end up getting my documentation from

  2. in the documentation I found at that i can do "search " but the option does not work, is there a way to just get a random quote no matter the author?

Thanks for the great plugin

sundevista commented 10 months ago

@George20730 Hi! I checked links in and will update them right now. Talking about the searching issue, it'd be nice if you could send me a sample of the problematic quote-block and output of statistics modal (you can find it by searching for "local quotes stat" in your command palette). It can help me understand what is wrong.

George20730 commented 10 months ago

OK now i feel stupid :)

As it now works perfect

I tried the code from the documentation

id DHsh
search *
refresh 1d

And i ended up with the message

You've tried to find an author that doesn't exist

— undefined

But now it works fine :) i don't know why but it works so i can't complain :)

I will start adding real quotes now and then put the code block in my dailynote

Thanks for you quick response

sundevista commented 10 months ago

@George20730 Maybe something was caught while copying, but I'm glad all is okay now. By the way, if you want to use quotes in your daily notes, you may be interested in one-time quotes. As for now, I'm closing the issue, but you can create one more if something wrong with the plugin.