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Optimize sample code #1324

Closed asthetik closed 9 months ago

asthetik commented 9 months ago



fn main() {

let tls = Arc::new(ThreadLocal::new());
// 创建多个线程
for i in 0..5 {
    let tls2 = tls.clone();
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let cell = tls2.get_or(|| Cell::new(0));
        // 回收上一次循环时退出线程的对象,所以当前线程会随着 i 自增而自增
        assert_eq!(cell.get(), i);
        println!("value: {}, i: {}", cell.get(), i);
        cell.set(cell.get() + 1);
// for循环执行完之后,只有一个线程,计数器总和等于5
assert_eq!(tls.get().unwrap().get(), 5);

// 一旦所有子线程结束,收集它们的线程局部变量中的计数器值,然后进行求和
let tls = Arc::try_unwrap(tls).unwrap();
let total = tls.into_iter().fold(0, |x, y| {
    // 打印每个线程的值,迭代完成后可发现只有一个线程
    println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y.get());
    x + y.get()

// 和为5
assert_eq!(total, 5);


value: 0, i: 0
value: 1, i: 1
value: 2, i: 2
value: 3, i: 3
value: 4, i: 4
x: 0, y: 5



use std::{cell::Cell, sync::Arc, thread};
use thread_local::ThreadLocal;

fn main() {

    let tls = Arc::new(ThreadLocal::new());
    let mut v = vec![];
    // 创建多个线程
    for i in 0..5 {
        let tls2 = tls.clone();
        let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
            // 将计数器加1
            let cell = tls2.get_or(|| Cell::new(0));
           // 并不是所有的线程初始值都为 0,因为当前线程可能会回收退出线程的对象
            println!("value: {}, i: {}", cell.get(), i);
            cell.set(cell.get() + 1);
    for handle in v {
    // 一旦所有子线程结束,收集它们的线程局部变量中的计数器值,然后进行求和
    let tls = Arc::try_unwrap(tls).unwrap();
    let total = tls.into_iter().fold(0, |x, y| {
        // 打印每个线程的值,迭代完成后可发现有多个线程,
        // 不一定存在5个线程,因为一些线程已退出
        println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y.get());
        x + y.get()

    // 和为5
    assert_eq!(total, 5);


value: 0, i: 0
value: 0, i: 2
value: 0, i: 1
value: 1, i: 3
value: 1, i: 4
x: 0, y: 2
x: 2, y: 2
x: 4, y: 1

多执行几次代码(也可以增大for循环的次数),每一次for循环执行完之后存在的线程数量不一定相同。 参考 std thread_local 库的文档说明: Note that since thread IDs are recycled when a thread exits, it is possible for one thread to retrieve the object of another thread. Since this can only occur after a thread has exited this does not lead to any race conditions.
