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cleanup: 修复结构体成员(引用)的生命周期定义 #1396

Closed jwcesign closed 3 months ago

jwcesign commented 3 months ago

cleanup: 修复结构体成员(引用)的生命周期定义


Filename: src/

struct ImportantExcerpt<'a> {
    part: &'a str,

fn main() {
    let novel = String::from("Call me Ishmael. Some years ago...");
    let first_sentence = novel.split('.').next().expect("Could not find a '.'");
    let i = ImportantExcerpt {
        part: first_sentence,

Listing 10-24: A struct that holds a reference, requiring a lifetime annotation

This struct has the single field part that holds a string slice, which is a reference. As with generic data types, we declare the name of the generic lifetime parameter inside angle brackets after the name of the struct so we can use the lifetime parameter in the body of the struct definition. This annotation means an instance of ImportantExcerpt can’t outlive the reference it holds in its part field.