sunfanyunn / InfoGraph

Official code for "InfoGraph: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Graph-Level Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization" (ICLR 2020, spotlight)
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Question about the data labels `y` in unsupervised learning #11

Open lindazha0 opened 1 year ago

lindazha0 commented 1 year ago


I am trying to run your framework on my own unlabeled dataset. However, as I looked into your code of the unsupervised section, I see in your get_embedding() function implemented in the encoder, you use data.y where y is the dataset label, which I don't understand. How could the dataset of unsupervised learning be externally labeled?


idililayda commented 6 months ago

Hi @lindazha0, I was wondering if you could find an answer to your question. I am questioning the same thing. Many thanks!

lindazha0 commented 6 months ago

Hi @lindazha0, I was wondering if you could find an answer to your question. I am questioning the same thing. Many thanks!

nope no one ever replied. I gave up.

sunfanyunn commented 6 months ago

I believe data.y is only used during evaluation