sunfishcode / hello-wasi-http

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how to define/run wasmtime serve command in OCI image. #16

Open BhavinPrajapti opened 3 months ago

BhavinPrajapti commented 3 months ago

I have followed your steps and it it working fine locally. i can run hello_wasi_http.wasm on my local machine with below command. wasmtime serve /hello_wasi_http.wasm

I have configured minikube cluster with wasmtime runtime. for normal helloworld below OCI image is working fine.

FROM scratch ADD hello-wasm.wasm / CMD ["/hello-wasm.wasm"]

but now i want to build image with http serve. then how can I define docker file with serve?

FROM scratch

Add the Wasm file to the container

ADD hello_wasi_http.wasm /hello_wasi_http.wasm

Expose port 8080


Start the Wasmtime server

CMD ["wasmtime", "serve", "/hello_wasi_http.wasm"]

i tried this one but not working. can you please tell how can I access http server ?

sunfishcode commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure what the problem is here. Are you able to see the standard error output of wasmtime? It should print a message like "Serving HTTP on" or so; do you see that?