sunggun-yu / chef-mongodb3

Chef Cookbook for MongoDB v3
Apache License 2.0
33 stars 58 forks source link

Improve upgrade of deb package #35

Closed drazzib closed 8 years ago

drazzib commented 8 years ago

Pass -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --force-yes as options to package so that dpkg won't generate errors about pre-existing /etc/init.d/mongod or /etc/mongod.conf file(s).

This allow more robust upgrade path : if a previous mongodb package is already installed in the node it will allow transparent upgrade.

sunggun-yu commented 8 years ago

@drazzib Thank you so much for great PR! I'll merge and test!

drazzib commented 8 years ago

@sunggun-yu No problem! Please notify me once a new release is out.

sunggun-yu commented 8 years ago

@drazzib Hi, your change has been released. sorry for late notice. I did refactoring little bit.

Thank you so much!