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MacOS 에서 Hyperledger Fabric 설치시 failed to copy files: Error processing tar file(bzip2 data invalid: bad magic value in continuation file) 에러 발생 #3

Open sungkwangsong opened 4 years ago

sungkwangsong commented 4 years ago

Jpub, 하이퍼레저 패브릭으로 배우는 블록체인 책에서 Hyperledger Fabric v1.3 버전을 사용한다. 책에서 소개하는 Fabric 설치 내용을 MacOS 따라서 할 경우 다음과 같이 bzip2 에 관련된 에러가 발생한다.

Step 1/7 : FROM hyperledger/fabric-baseos:amd64-0.4.13
amd64-0.4.13: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-baseos
3b37166ec614: Already exists
504facff238f: Already exists
ebbcacd28e10: Already exists
c7fb3351ecad: Already exists
2e3debadcbf7: Already exists
8ff2951c3d3f: Already exists
1fe35bf6bbad: Already exists
Digest: sha256:63ba01149b4e4194bb60edb799c0ae75f3123d6ba4498fa72819606fae408061
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-baseos:amd64-0.4.13
 ---> f0fe49196c40
Step 2/7 : ENV FABRIC_CFG_PATH /etc/hyperledger/fabric
 ---> Running in 0b83d64130c7
Removing intermediate container 0b83d64130c7
 ---> 483530fa0388
Step 3/7 : RUN mkdir -p /var/hyperledger/production $FABRIC_CFG_PATH
 ---> Running in 82ae51a46025
Removing intermediate container 82ae51a46025
 ---> fe5add16ced5
Step 4/7 : COPY payload/peer /usr/local/bin
 ---> 2d6b557d0eb9
Step 5/7 : ADD  payload/sampleconfig.tar.bz2 $FABRIC_CFG_PATH
failed to copy files: Error processing tar file(bzip2 data invalid: bad magic value in continuation file):
make: *** [.build/image/peer/.dummy-amd64-1.3.1-snapshot-d54a6ec5a] Error 1
sungkwangsong commented 4 years ago
  1. gnu-tar 를 homebrew 로 설치
    brew install gnu-tar libtool
  2. PATH 에 gnu-tar를 사용하도록 추가
    export PATH="$(brew --prefix gnu-tar)/libexec/gnubin":$PATH