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feat: Private Docker Registries #5

Open sungsoo opened 2 years ago

sungsoo commented 2 years ago

feat: Private Docker Registries


A special use case for secrets is to store access credentials for private Docker registries. Kubernetes supports using images stored on private registries, but access to those images requires credentials. Private images can be stored across one or more private registries. This presents a challenge for managing credentials for each private registry on every possible node in the cluster.

Image pull secrets leverage the secrets API to automate the distribution of private registry credentials. Image pull secrets are stored just like normal secrets but are consumed through the spec.imagePullSecrets Pod specification field.

Use the create secret docker-registry to create this special kind of secret:

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry my-image-pull-secret \ --docker-username=<username> \
--docker-password=<password> \ --docker-email=<email-address>

Enable access to the private repository by referencing the image pull secret in the Pod manifest file, as shown in the following YAML file (e.g. kuard-secret-ips.yaml).

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: kuard-tls
    - name: kuard-tls
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      - name: tls-certs
        mountPath: "/tls"
        readOnly: true
  - name:  my-image-pull-secret
    - name: tls-certs
        secretName: kuard-tls

If you are repeatedly pulling from the same registry, you can add the secrets to the default service account associated with each Pod to avoid having to specify the secrets in every Pod you create.