sunjay / brain

A high level programming language that compiles into the brainfuck esoteric programming language
MIT License
167 stars 12 forks source link

Help Wanted: Examples #51

Open sunjay opened 7 years ago

sunjay commented 7 years ago

We need some examples of writing brain code. These will end up in the examples/ directory in the project.

You can draw inspiration from things like:

If you find that you need a feature that has not been implemented yet, please add a :+1: reaction to the issue for that feature indicating that you want that. It also helps if you add a comment on that issue describing your use case and the problem you were trying to solve so when we implement that feature we know we did it right. If such an issue does not exist, you can create one requesting what you need and why you need it.

Add your example as a comment in this thread or open up a pull request adding it to the examples directory (make sure you use the .brn file extension).

Feel free to add a line at the top of the file with your GitHub profile (or whatever) and even a license if you want. (Try to keep the license permissive.) If you don't provide an explicit license, your example will be added to the repo as is and the license of the repo (MIT) will apply.

sunjay commented 7 years ago

Example idea: polish notation calculator When dynamic arrays are implemented: reverse polish notation calculator