sunjay / turtle

Create Animated Drawings in Rust
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Release Blockers: Platform-Specific Issues #183

Open sunjay opened 4 years ago

sunjay commented 4 years ago

The major rewrite in #173 was a success, but unfortunately, I can't make a new release yet because of some platform-specific bugs in some of the crates we now depend on. Open source only keeps working because people contribute to it, so if you can help out with any of these, please do!

If there is already an issue open in the crate repository, I've linked it below. I haven't been able to open issues for everything because unfortunately I don't always have the operating system needed to find a minimal reproduction. If you do have an operating system listed below, you can help by opening an issue in the repository of the dependency and giving them a minimal example of the bug. If you want to help even further, try to fix the bug and send a PR to them!


Until these issues are fixed, you may want to use a previous version of the crate. The one released on might not work on your system since its dependencies are quite out of date. Changing your Cargo.toml to use the following may work as a workaround for the timebeing:

# Use this particular commit of the turtle crate
turtle = {git = "", rev = "bf64b8333a2be1914378d8a22a4788947711182b"} is the commit just before #173.

Known Issues



There may be other issues that I haven't found yet or that I forgot to write down. If you see any, please let me know in the comments or by opening an issue!

Once all of these are fixed and the various platforms are tested one more time, I will release a new version of the crate.

Potential Unblockers

Replace Dependencies

One of the benefits of the refactor is that I've designed the codebase so we can swap out some of our libraries with much less effort than before. This includes the libraries listed above that are currently causing issues. If we get tired of waiting for bugs to get fixed, or if it looks like the bugs won't ever get fixed, this is a great option to get us to a release.

If we can replace pathfinder with something that works cross-platform, I would be up for doing that. While I believe that pathfinder is likely going to be the path forward, I am fine with replacing it in the near term as long as the replacement isn't significantly more complex to integrate into turtle. Almost all of the code that uses pathfinder is in a single file, so we should be able to swap something else in without any big refactors.

We can also potentially replace ipc-channel on MacOS only. This would involve updating to use whatever the replacement is. Again, I am open to doing this as long as the replacement isn't significantly more complex to integrate into turtle.

Kill the process

Some of the problems above (but not all of them?) may be solved by killing the process when the window is closed. This was one of the potentially breaking changes introduced in #173. Before #173, we always used to kill the process, so any clean up that needed to happen was always forced. Now, we only panic if the user continues to use a turtle after the window has been closed. It might be worth seeing if we can switch back to the old behaviour and then reintroduce it later when the issues above have been fixed.

The panic to be replaced with process::exit(1) is below:

sunjay commented 4 years ago

If it looks like pathfinder won't be fixed anytime soon, we can potentially replace glutin + pathfinder with druid + piet and see if that resolves things. This would probably involve figuring out how to implement a custom widget in druid and restructuring some things. That work might be worth it though given that we eventually wanted to move to a proper GUI framework anyway.

sunjay commented 3 years ago

In addition to druid, it may be worth exploring tiny-skia as a replacement for pathfinder.