sunjay / turtle

Create Animated Drawings in Rust
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Update to latest glutin version #205

Closed sunjay closed 3 years ago

sunjay commented 3 years ago

See #204

The latest version of glutin (and winit) make several breaking changes that affect our code. Luckily, we don't depend on the library for any of our public interface. We should be able to update to the latest version without having to make any breaking changes in turtle.

Mentoring Instructions

  1. Change the version of glutin to the latest version (see #204)
  2. Fix all of the compilation errors
  3. Read the changelog of glutin and winit for the versions since our current version and make sure we didn't miss anything
  4. Try running a few examples to make sure turtle still works
  5. Open a PR and make sure to mention any breaking change that isn't visible in the code but that we should still be aware of