sunlightpolicy / State-Open-Data-Census

Working towards a US State Open Data Census
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Select Dataset: Finance and Contracts #10

Closed waldoj closed 9 years ago

waldoj commented 9 years ago

Select the one dataset that serves as the touchstone of state-level finance and contracts data.

waldoj commented 9 years ago

I think agency checkbooks are the top dataset here. It's transaction-level data, within the state's power to capture and republish, it continues the financial open data trend of the late '00s (with data that was often just Excel spreadsheets or HTML tables, and hasn't been modernized since), and it's enormously useful. There are no widely used open data standards for contracts, procurement processes, or RFPs, which functionally rules them out. While the same is true for checkbooks, they're so easy that the lack of standards isn't much of an obstacle.

emily878 commented 9 years ago
