Please tell us about yourself (include an email address):
I am an amateur researcher who loves to research on Quran and Hadees using technology. I also think about how we can use technology to enhance our relationship with the noble quran. Check out
Your purpose in using this API:
This is for the study that was posted on linkedIn. To compare two hadees using cosine similarity or other techniques.
API rate limits:
Maximum requests per second:
Maximum requests per day:
Is your use case better served by having an offline dump of hadith data or programmatic API access?
yes, this would have been better. atleast a part of the data.
What are the languages in which would you like hadith data?
arabic and english
What programming language will your API client be in?
python mostly
Please tell us about yourself (include an email address): I am an amateur researcher who loves to research on Quran and Hadees using technology. I also think about how we can use technology to enhance our relationship with the noble quran. Check out email:
Your purpose in using this API: This is for the study that was posted on linkedIn. To compare two hadees using cosine similarity or other techniques.
API rate limits:
Is your use case better served by having an offline dump of hadith data or programmatic API access? yes, this would have been better. atleast a part of the data.
What are the languages in which would you like hadith data? arabic and english
What programming language will your API client be in? python mostly