Please tell us about yourself (include an email address):
I am fahim hasan. email: I want to make a hadith app that's why i need your api access.
Your purpose in using this API:
My purpose is developing an android application for hadith reading.
API rate limits:
100 request per second
10000 request per day
Is your use case better served by having an offline dump of hadith data or programmatic API access?
I need api access in order to get programmetic data.
What are the languages in which would you like hadith data?
I need hadith access for english and arabic
What programming language will your API client be in?
Please tell us about yourself (include an email address): I am fahim hasan. email: I want to make a hadith app that's why i need your api access.
Your purpose in using this API: My purpose is developing an android application for hadith reading.
API rate limits: 100 request per second 10000 request per day
Is your use case better served by having an offline dump of hadith data or programmatic API access? I need api access in order to get programmetic data.
What are the languages in which would you like hadith data? I need hadith access for english and arabic
What programming language will your API client be in? Javascript