Please tell us about yourself (include an email address):
Name is evallll and email address is
Your purpose in using this API:
For research purposes, want to run some statistical analysis on the narrators of Bukhari.
API rate limits:
Maximum: 1 request per second, 1000 requests per day.
Is your use case better served by having an offline dump of hadith data or programmatic API access?
Would prefer an offline dump of the data, rather than having to write a script that make loads of API calls and then have to write some extra code to extract the information needed. Would be a lot easier if I had access to the actual data itself.
What are the languages in which would you like hadith data?
Would only want the english and arabic.
What programming language will your API client be in?
Please tell us about yourself (include an email address): Name is evallll and email address is
Your purpose in using this API: For research purposes, want to run some statistical analysis on the narrators of Bukhari.
API rate limits: Maximum: 1 request per second, 1000 requests per day.
Is your use case better served by having an offline dump of hadith data or programmatic API access? Would prefer an offline dump of the data, rather than having to write a script that make loads of API calls and then have to write some extra code to extract the information needed. Would be a lot easier if I had access to the actual data itself.
What are the languages in which would you like hadith data? Would only want the english and arabic.
What programming language will your API client be in? Python.