sunner / ChatALL

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[BUG]一旦一次提问卡住了,没有超时,永久在等待中。或者可加一个stop的按钮 #834

Open maston2 opened 3 weeks ago

maston2 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug / 描述问题


To Reproduce / 复现步骤


Expected behavior / 期望行为


Screenshots / 截图


Devtools Info / 开发者工具信息

VTextarea.tsx:167 [Intervention] Slow network is detected. See for more details. Fallback font will be used while loading: app://./fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.fbaef2a9.woff2 569Third-party cookie will be blocked. Learn more in the Issues tab.

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

17index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 19index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 19index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 19index.js:1 doing fixed mapping

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING

App.vue:211 chat changed 29index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 36index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 34index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 29index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 29index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 64index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 19index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 28index.js:1 doing fixed mapping CommonBotSettings.vue:141 openaiApi: {"apiKey":"","temperature":1,"pastRounds":5,"alterUrl":""} runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:270 Error: OpenAI or Azure OpenAI API key not found at new kr (chat_models.js:338:19) at P._setupModel (OpenAIAPIBot.js:24:23) at P.setupModel (LangChainBot.js:68:40) at OpenAIAPIBotSettings.vue:68:27 at () at Proxy.watcher (OpenAIAPIBotSettings.vue:68:10) at CommonBotSettings.vue:142:13 at m (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:195:19) at g (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:202:17) at w (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:1955:9) v @ runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:270 显示另外 1 个框架 收起 CommonBotSettings.vue:141 openaiApi: {"apiKey":"sk-kfcbkFsytemHvLnGDJmjC4SkbTiAB0k7FgDZt977m4ysjeWD","temperature":1,"pastRounds":5,"alterUrl":""} 8index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 17index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 27index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 27index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 19index.js:1 doing fixed mapping

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

Bot.js:204 Error send prompt to gpt-3.5-turbo@OpenAI API: Error: 403 免费API限制模型输入token小于4096,如有更多需求,请访问 购买付费API。The number of prompt tokens for free accounts is limited to 4096. If you have additional requirements, please visit to purchase a premium key. at S.generate (error.mjs:46:20) at Hn.makeStatusError (core.mjs:256:25) at Hn.makeRequest (core.mjs:299:30) at async chat_models.js:646:23 at async t._fn (index.js:50:4) sendPrompt @ Bot.js:204 App.vue:211 chat changed 27index.js:1 doing fixed mapping geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1 Error at gud (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:96332) at f (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:26511) at geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:29014 at new Promise () at geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:28961 at geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:27028 at s (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:25135) at (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:23920) at r (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:22608) gud @ geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1 ProxySetting.vue:289 Set(13) ProxySetting.vue:290 Proxy(Array) ProxySetting.vue:298 ;;;;;;;;;;;; ProxySetting.vue:289 Set(13) ProxySetting.vue:290 Proxy(Array) ProxySetting.vue:298 ;;;;;;;;;;;; 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping ProxySetting.vue:289 Set(13) ProxySetting.vue:290 Proxy(Array) ProxySetting.vue:298 ;;;;;;;;;;;; ChatGPTBot.js:52 Error checking ChatGPT login status: se _checkAvailability @ ChatGPTBot.js:52

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

ChatGPTBot.js:52 Error checking ChatGPT login status: se _checkAvailability @ ChatGPTBot.js:52

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

ProxySetting.vue:289 Set(13) ProxySetting.vue:290 Proxy(Array) ProxySetting.vue:298 ;;;;;;;;;;;; ChatGPTBot.js:52 Error checking ChatGPT login status: se _checkAvailability @ ChatGPTBot.js:52

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

ProxySetting.vue:289 Set(13) ProxySetting.vue:290 Proxy(Array) ProxySetting.vue:298 ;;;;;;;;;;;; 30index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 17index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 37index.js:1 doing fixed mapping

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED

8index.js:1 doing fixed mapping ChatGPTBot.js:52 Error checking ChatGPT login status: se _checkAvailability @ ChatGPTBot.js:52

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

ChatGPTBot.js:52 Error checking ChatGPT login status: se _checkAvailability @ ChatGPTBot.js:52

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

5index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 28index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 27index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping App.vue:211 chat changed 18index.js:1 doing fixed mapping geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1 Error at gud (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:96332) at f (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:26511) at geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:29014 at new Promise () at geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:28961 at geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:27028 at s (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:25135) at (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:23920) at r (geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1:22608) gud @ geeGuard.d44484fa62f188d1dac3f1c5abb8d133.js:1 App.vue:211 chat changed 20index.js:1 doing fixed mapping ChatGPTBot.js:52 Error checking ChatGPT login status: se _checkAvailability @ ChatGPTBot.js:52

   Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

2index.js:1 doing fixed mapping 2index.js:1 doing fixed mapping 6index.js:1 doing fixed mapping 2index.js:1 doing fixed mapping

OS and version / 操作系统版本


ChatALL version / ChatALL 版本


Network / 网络

Additional context / 其它相关信息

No response

maston2 commented 1 week ago
