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[FEAT]没有API KEY,怎么使用 GPT-4o #843

Open jimbao2019 opened 2 weeks ago

jimbao2019 commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? / 你想要的功能和什么问题相关?

gpt-4o@OpenAI API 错误 Error: 401 Incorrect API key provided: sk-KV28G***uqQY. You can find your API key at

Describe the solution you'd like. / 你想要的解决方案是什么?

gpt-4o@OpenAI API 错误 Error: 401 Incorrect API key provided: sk-KV28G***uqQY. You can find your API key at

Describe alternatives you've considered. / 你考虑过的其他方案是什么?

No response

Additional context / 其他信息

gpt-4o@OpenAI API 错误 Error: 401 Incorrect API key provided: sk-KV28G***uqQY. You can find your API key at