sunng87 / diehard

Clojure resilience library for flexible retry, circuit breaker and rate limiter
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Cannot use listeners with predefined policy #41

Closed jvtrigueros closed 3 years ago

jvtrigueros commented 3 years ago

I'm reading the cljdoc on predefined listeners, the documentation states:

(require '[diehard.core :as diehard])

;; added for clarity
(diehard/defretrypolicy policy
  {:max-retries 5})

(diehard/deflistener listener
  {:on-retry (fn [return-value exception-thrown] (println "retried"))})

(diehard/with-retry {:policy policy :listener listener}
  ;; your code here

So problem number one here diehard/deflistener no longer exists, I see that it was introduced in version 0.3.0, but I don't know when it went away. That's fine, so we can rewrite the above code as follows:

(require '[diehard.core :as diehard])

;; added for clarity
(diehard/defretrypolicy policy
  {:max-retries 5})

(diehard/with-retry {:policy policy
                     :on-retry (fn [return-value exception-thrown] (println "retried"))}
  ;; your code here

The problem here is that once the policy key is provided, all the other keys are ignored and they wont affect the provided RetryPolicy object.

My goal was to create a base RetryPolicy object once, and provide the listener functions at the call site so that I can use the inputs, something like this:

(require '[diehard.core :as diehard])

;; added for clarity
(diehard/defretrypolicy policy
  {:max-retries 5})

(defn get-user
  (diehard/with-retry {:policy policy
                       :on-retry (fn [_ _] (println "(Re)Attempting to fetch user: " id)}
    (get-user* id))

This is a contrived example but essentially split the policy from the listeners that need local information.

TL;DR: The documentation doesn't match what the code is doing, what is the correct the code or the docs?

What I'll end up doing is define my policy as a Clojure map and assoc the listener keys at the call site, e.g.:

(require '[diehard.core :as diehard])

;; added for clarity
(def policy
  {:max-retries 5})

(defn get-user
  (diehard/with-retry (assoc policy
                       :on-retry (fn [_ _] (println "(Re)Attempting to fetch user: " id))
    (get-user* id))
sunng87 commented 3 years ago

@jvtrigueros thank you for reporting. deflistener was removed with failsafe 2.0 iirc. I have updated to doc and will create a release to fix it on cljdoc.

{:policy policy
 :on-retry (fn [_ _] (println "(Re)Attempting to fetch user: " id)}

This case wasn't considered before but I agree it should be supported. A fix will be added soon.

sunng87 commented 3 years ago

Released in 0.10.1