sunny19879394 / Hong-Kong-Civ-in-Civ6

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漢化 #2

Open sunny19879394 opened 3 years ago

sunny19879394 commented 3 years ago


謝謝提點終於成功了第一步, 之後會慢慢改哂做中文. LOADING SCREEN SLOGAN, 人名, 地名, 有想修改可提出. 現放英文LOCALISATION FILE 做參考. (太機械式的翻譯我會處理.(例如譯VICTORIA HARBOUR做維多利亞港) 不用擔心. 係LOAD SCREEN 的介紹說話, 人名等可以有再發揮創意的地方, )我會KEEP住UPDATE 譯好咗GE部分

C `/ Localisation Authors: ChimpanG, SeelingCat /

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LocalizedText (Language, Tag, Text) VALUES

-- Civilization


-- UA

("en_US",   "LOC_TRAIT_CIVILIZATION_SUNNY_HONGKONG_UA_NAME",        "Oriental pearl"    ),
"International Trade Routes[ICON_TradeRoute] grant +2 food[ICON_Food], +1 production[ICON_Production] & +2 gold[ICON_Gold].[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Trade Routes[ICON_TradeRoute] sent to Hong Kong from other civilizations provide Incoming trade route to Hong Kong provides +6 gold[ICON_Gold] for them and +1 science[ICON_Science],+1 culutre[ICON_Culture] for Hong Kong.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Cannot declare Surprise Wars or war on City-States.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]-30%Production [ICON_Production] towards unit. [NEWLINE][NEWLINE][COLOR_FLOAT_FAITH]A CROWDED CITY:[ENDCOLOR][NEWLINE]The Palace grants +3 housing[ICON_Housing] & +1 Amenity[ICON_Amenities]"  ),

-- UI

("en_US",   "LOC_BUILDING_SUNNY_HONGKONG_UI_NAME",      "Victoria Habour"   ),
"Provides +3 Food [ICON_Food] and +1 Gold [ICON_Gold]. Provide tourism[ICON_Tourism] base on city pop[ICON_Citizen].+1 Great Merchant Points per turn"  ),
("en_US",   "LOC_BUILDING_SUNNY_HONGKONG_TRES_NAME",        "Tea Restaurant"    ),
"Provides +6 Food [ICON_Food]. Provide 4tourism[ICON_Tourism].Grant 2 random civic boost for modern era"    ),

-- UU

"Can only be called by FAITH[ICON_FAITH]. Heal adjacent standby friendly combat units.[NEWLINE]Weaken adjacent enemies by -2[ICON_Strength][NEWLINE]For those within 13 tiles of the capital, strengthen each adjacent friendly units by +2[ICON_Strength]" ),

("en_US",   "LOC_ABILITY_COMBAT_PREVIEW_SUNNY_HK_UU_BONUS_DESCRIPTION",  "+{1_Amount}Adjacent to WO LEI FEI within 13 tiles of the capital" ),

-- Mountains

("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_ALMAJ",      "Tai Mo Shan"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_BIHOR",      "Lantau Peak"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_BUCEGI",     "Sunset Peak"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_FAGARAS",    "Castle Peak"  ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_GODEANU",    "Lion Rock"    ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_RETEZAT",    "Ma On Shan"   ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_VRANCEA",    "Monkey's Hill"    ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_SUREANU",    "Fei Ngo Shan" ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_TARCU",      "The Peak"     ),

-- Rivers

("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_MURES",        "Tso Kung Tam"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_PRUT",         "Kam Tin River"     ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_OLT",          "Shan Pui River"            ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_SIRET",        "Shing Mun River"       ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_IALOMITA",     "Tai Lam Chung" ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_SOMES",        "Ho Chung River"        ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_ARGES",        "Kau To Hang"       ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_JIU",          "Lam Tsuen River"           ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_BUZAU",        "Sha Tau Kok River"     ),
("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_DAMBOVITA",    "Sham Chun River"   ),

-- Volcanoes

("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_DESERT_OLTENIA",     "SA MOK"    ),

-- Volcanoes

("en_US",   "LOC_NAMED_VOLCANO_CIOMADUL",   "FO SAN"            ),

-- Cities

("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_1",  "Hong Kong"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_2",  "Kowloon"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_3",  "New Territories"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_4",  "LanTau"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_5",  "Admiralty"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_6",  "Mong Kok"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_7",  "Prince Edward"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_8",  "Causway Bay"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_9",  "Central"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_10",  "Sham Shui Po"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_11",  "Tseung Kwan O"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_12",  "Yuen Long"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_13",  "Sha Tin"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_14",  "North Point"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_15",  "Tsuen Wan"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_16",  "Wong Tai Sin"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_17",  "Fo Tan"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_18",  "Yau Ma Tei"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_19",  "Tai Po"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_20",  "Tin Shui Wai"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_21",  "Tsing Yi"),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_22",  "Tong Chung"),

-- Citizens

("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_1",        "John"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_2",        "Cliff"         ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_3",        "Paul"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_4",        "Pierre"        ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_5",        "Hacken"        ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_6",        "Laughing Gor"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_7",        "Lok"           ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_8",        "Shing Gor"         ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_9",        "Kit Jai"       ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_10",       "Ming"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_1",      "Dodo"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_2",      "Ka Yan"        ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_3",      "Ar Sa"         ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_4",      "Angelababy"            ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_5",      "Vivian"            ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_6",      "Ella"          ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_7",      "Dada"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_8",      "Naomi"     ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_9",      "Suki"          ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_10", "Miko"          ),

-- Info

("en_US",   "LOC_CIVINFO_SUNNY_HONGKONG_SIZE",          "1106 km²"      ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CIVINFO_SUNNY_HONGKONG_POPULATION",    "c. 8 million"  ),
("en_US",   "LOC_CIVINFO_SUNNY_HONGKONG_CAPITAL",       "Hong Kong"         ),

-- Pedia

"The region of Hong Kong has been inhabited since the Old Stone Age, later becoming part of the Chinese empire with its loose incorporation into the Qin dynasty (221–206 BC). Starting out as a farming fishing village and salt production site, it became an important free port and eventually a major international financial centre."),   
"The Qing dynasty ceded Hong Kong to the British Empire in 1842 through the treaty of Nanjing, ending the First Opium War. Hong Kong then became a British crown colony. Britain also won the Second Opium War, forcing the Qing Empire to cede Kowloon in 1860, while leasing the New Territories for 99 years from 1898."),   
"Japan occupied Hong Kong from 1941 to 1945 during the Second World War. By the end of the war in 1945, Hong Kong had been liberated by joint British and Chinese troops and returned to British rule. Hong Kong greatly increased its population from refugees from Mainland China, particularly during the Korea War and the Great Leap Forward. In the 1950s, Hong Kong transformed from a territory of entrepôt trade to one of industry and manufacturing. The Chinese economic reform prompted manufacturers to relocate to China, leading Hong Kong to develop its commercial and financial industry."),
"In 1984, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which incited a wave of emigration from Hong Kong. The Handover of Hong Kong on July 1, 1997, returned Hong Kong to Chinese rule, and it adopted the Hong Kong Basic Law."),
"In the 21st century, Hong Kong has continued to enjoy success as a financial center. However, civil unrest, dissatisfaction with the government and Chinese influence, in general, has been a central issue. The planned implementation of Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23 caused great controversy and a massive demonstration on 1 July 2003, causing the bill to be shelved. Citizens expressed displeasure at their electoral system, culminating in the 2014 Hong Kong protests. The proposed Hong Kong extradition bill was seen as another step taken by the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the law and human rights in Hong Kong, instigating multiple protests."),
"Source:Wikipedia Hong Kong Thread"),
"Victoria Harbour is a natural landform harbour separating Hong Kong Island in the south from the Kowloon Peninsula to the north. The harbour's deep, sheltered waters and strategic location on the South China Sea were instrumental in Hong Kong's establishment as a British colony and its subsequent development as a trading centre."),
"Throughout its history, the harbour has seen numerous reclamation projects undertaken on both shores, many of which have caused controversy in recent years. Environmental concerns have been expressed about the effects of these expansions, in terms of water quality and loss of natural habitat. It has also been proposed that benefits of land reclamation may be less than the effects of decreased harbour width, affecting the number of vessels passing through the harbour. Nonetheless Victoria Harbour still retains its founding role as a port for thousands of international vessels each year."),
"The harbour is a major tourist attraction of Hong Kong. Lying in the middle of the territory's dense urban region, the harbour is the site of annual fireworks displays and its promenades are used as gathering places for tourists and residents."),
"Source:Wikipedia Victoria Habour Thread"),
"A cha chaan teng is a type of restaurant commonly found in Hong Kong, Macau and parts of Guangdong. They are known for eclectic and affordable menus, which include dishes from Hong Kong cuisine and Hong Kong-style Western cuisine. Since the mass migration of Hong Kong people in the 1980s, they have also been commonplace in many Western countries like Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, particularly in the Chinatown areas of major cities. They are often called Hong Kong-style cafes in English, due to the casual setting as well as coffee and tea being central to the menu."),
"Western cuisine has been found in Hong Kong since the 1850s, but it was then a privilege for the upper class, out of the financial reach of most locals. In 1920s and 30s, dining in a western restaurant could cost up to $10, while an ordinary local resident earns $15 to $50 per month.After the Second World War, Hong Kong culture was influenced by British culture. Hong Kong people started to like adding milk to tea and eating cakes. Therefore, some Hongkongers set up cha chaan tengs that targeted a local audience.Providing different kinds of Canto-Western Cuisine and drinks with very low price led to them being regarded as cheap western food, or soy sauce western food (si yau sai chaan)."),
"In the 1950s and 60s, cha chaang tengs sprang up as rising lower class incomes made such western food affordable causing soy sauce western restaurants and bing sutt (ice rooms) to turn into cha chaan teng to satisfy the high demand of affordable and fast Hong Kong-style western food."),
"In recent years, the management of cha chaan tengs has adapted with developments in the Hong Kong economy and society. During the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, cha chaan tengs became much more popular in Hong Kong as they still provided the cheapest food for the public.In April 2007, one of the Hong Kong political officers suggested that cha chaan teng be listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists, because of its important role in Hong Kong society.In June 2014, a number of famous dishes in cha chaan teng—namely milk tea, yuenyeung, pineapple bun, and egg tart were enlisted into the first Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory of Hong Kong."),
"wo lei fei -- peaceful, rational, non-violent" ),
"Protesters who stick to “peaceful, rational, non-violent” means of resistance and demonstration are considered wo lei fei. They want to keep confrontations to a minimum, so protests typically take the form of mass rallies and marches, or activities like singing in a shopping mall, folding paper cranes, and forming a city-wide human chain. They may also help dig up bricks and set up roadblocks."  ),
"Source:The Cantonese words at the heart of Hong Kong’s 2019 protest vocabulary,Quartz December 23,2019"    );`


`/ Localisation Authors: ChimpanG,, Digihuman, SeelingCat /

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LocalizedText (Language, Tag, Text) VALUES

-- Leader


-- UA

("en_US",   "LOC_TRAIT_LEADER_SUNNY_HONGKONGERS_UA_NAME",  "Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times"    ),
"Can buy land foot combat unit, siege unit and builder by faith[ICON_faith].[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]+ 100% Faith[ICON_faith] and Culture[ICON_Culture] in all cities for the next 20 turns after being declared war upon,or after declaring either Protectorate War or War of Liberation.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE].Killing a unit provides culture[ICON_culture] and faith [ICON_faith]50% of of its [ICON_Strength] combat strength.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Settled city receives a free Wo Lei Fei.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE][COLOR_FLOAT_FAITH]INTERNATIONAL FRONTIER:[ENDCOLOR][NEWLINE]For every 50 Tourism [ICON_Tourism] earned, gain 1 Diplomatic Favor[ICON_FAVOR]."  ),

-- Agenda

("en_US",   "LOC_AGENDA_SUNNY_HONGKONGERS_NAME",    "Five demands, Not one less"    ),
("en_US",   "LOC_AGENDA_SUNNY_HONGKONGERS_DESCRIPTION", "Will not surrender once war is started."   ),

-- DOM

"Despite China back out on promises, and ongoing suppression, Hong Kongers would not resign to fate. Over the world, people see a city flourish, backed by the around-the-clock workers in the highest towers. May the blood of your heroes turn to totems of justice, honour, glory and peace,and build a world of freedom and equality."      ),

-- Diplos First Meet
-- First AI Line (ANY)
"Hello" ),

-- AI invitation to visit nearby City (ANY)
"Welcome to Hong Kong." ),

-- AI accepts human invitation (ANY)
"Jeng"  ),

-- AI invitation to exchange Capital Information (ANY)
"If we are to stand on good terms, we ought to exchange information on our capitals in which to conduct our meetings, wouldn't you agree?"  ),

-- Diplos Greetings
-- (HAPPY)
"It has been too long. Have you business with me?"  ),

"Speak."    ),

-- Diplos Delegation
-- AI Accepts (ANY)
"Your delegation is welcome into my lands, and shall be granted the utmost respect - so long as they conduct themselves properly."  ),

-- AI Rejects (ANY)
"That would be ill-advised at this time. For the good of Hong Kong, I cannot accept."   ),

-- AI Requests (ANY)
"I would like to offer you a delegation from my capital, carrying with it simple gifts of egg tarts and dim sums. I trust you will accept them."    ),

-- Diplos Open Borders
-- AI accepts from human (ANY)  
"You pose no threat to my people or rule, so I shall grant this request."   ),

-- AI rejects from human (ANY)  
"Hong Kong is to crowded for outsiders."    ),

-- AI requests from human (ANY) 
"Please help us to fight for freedom. Allow my troops to pass unimpeded through your lands, and you shall have my thanks."  ),

-- Diplos Declare Friendship
-- AI accepts from human (ANY)
"Indeed, you are a proven and trustworthy friend to us. I stand by you, pikes at the ready."    ),

-- AI rejects from human (ANY)  
"Do not presume we can be cheated so easly."    ),

-- AI Requests friendship from human (ANY)  
"The world is harsh, and we have a tyranny to face. It would be an honour for one as trusted as you to stand with HongKongers." ),

-- Human accepts AI requests, AI responds (ANY) 
"Thank you for agreeing. May this friendship last through the era and beyond."  ),

-- Human rejects AI requests, AI responds (ANY) 
"Disappointing."    ),

-- Diplos Alliance
-- AI Requests an alliance from human (ANY)
"We have long found agreement in our affairs. Let us show the world that the blood between our nations runs thicker than most, with an alliance to strengthen ourselves against all foes. What do you say?" ),

-- Diplos Kudos & Warnings
-- AI Kudos (ANY)
"I always have respect for those familiar with scorched earth tactics, so long as that earth does not belong to me."    ),

-- AI Warnings (ANY)
"So few troops with which to defend yourselves. Do not make the same mistake like us."  ),

-- Diplos Troops Near Border
-- AI warns player for border troops (HAPPY)
"The presence of your army at my borders is a threat to us. Remove them at once."   ),

-- AI warns player for border troops (UNHAPPY)
"You do not intimidate me with such displays of aggression at my border. Move them now, or I shall move them for you."  ),

-- AI accepts player's warning for border troops warning (HAPPY)
"My apologies. It is merely a series of military exercises. I will let the generals know that they should move along."  ),

-- AI accepts player's warning for border troops warning (UNHAPPY)
"My military acts in the interests of my nation. I shall remove them, but know that we do not take to your meddling lightly."   ),

-- AI rejects player's warning for border troops warning (ANY) ~ DECLARES WAR
"Their positioning is no coincidence, for I intend to take your lands, and with them your head."    ),

-- Diplos Settling Too Close
-- AI warns player for settling too close (HAPPY)
"You have settled too close to my people's lands. Refrain from doing this again.."  ),

-- AI warns player for settling too close (UNHAPPY)
"The lands you just claimed belong to us. Insolence will not be tolerated." ),

-- Positive AI response to human request (HAPPY)
"I was unaware that you laid claim to such lands. Rest assured, I shall find other, better lands to build upon elsewhere."  ),

-- Positive AI response to human request (UNHAPPY)
"Oh? This land is yours? My apologies, I mistook it for barbarian territory. But if you insist, then I shall settle elsewhere next time."   ),

-- Negative AI response to human request (HAPPY)
"There is no need to be hasty, we are able to peacefully coexist in close proximity."   ),

-- Negative AI response to human request (UNHAPPY)
"If you want this land, come and take it.." ),

-- Diplos Trade
-- AI Accepts Deal (HAPPY)
"Very well."    ),

-- AI Accepts Deal (Unhappy)
"This will have to suffice."    ),

-- AI Rejects Deal (HAPPY)
"You can do better than this."  ),

-- AI Rejects Deal (Unhappy)
"The next words that leave your mouth had better be worth my time, or I shall cut out your tongue." ),

-- Diplos Denounce
-- Human denounce, AI responds
"To openly declare yourself an enemy to the us is not wise. Know that I shall spare no effort when seeking retribution."    ),

-- From AI
"In your future I see a landscape of fire and death. I fear for your people. (Denounces You)"   ),

-- Diplos Declarations of War
-- Human Declares War, AI responds
"We will be united and stand agains you."   ),

-- AI Declares War
"This is time to end your tyranny." ), 

-- Diplos Make Peace
-- AI accepts from human
"The terms are acceptable." ),

-- AI refuses human
"The world is not big enough to hide from me."  ),

-- AI requests from human
"No good will come from overextending. Let us put an end to this war."  ),

-- Diplos Defeat
-- AI is Defeated
"If you truly believe Hong Kong and its people will ever be yours, then you are the greatest fool I have ever known. Mark my words - even if I should fall, the dragon lives on in its people and Hong Kong will rise again!"   ),

-- Human is Defeated (will see this in hotseat)

-- Quote and Pedia

"Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times"  ),


"People who fight for freedom"  ),

"Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill from the legislative process.Retraction of the riot characterisation.Release and exoneration of arrested protesters.Establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into police conduct and use of force during the protests.Implementation of universal suffrage for Legislative Council elections and for the election of the Chief Executive"),

"The 2019–20 Hong Kong protests are ongoing protests in Hong Kong triggered by the introduction of the Fugitive Offenders amendment bill by the Hong Kong government. If enacted, the bill would have allowed the extradition of criminal fugitives who are wanted in territories with which Hong Kong does not currently have extradition agreements, including mainland China. This led to concerns that the bill would subject Hong Kong residents and visitors to the jurisdiction and legal system of mainland China, thereby undermining the region's autonomy and people's civil liberties.As the protests progressed, the protesters laid out five key demands, namely the withdrawal of the bill, investigation into alleged police brutality and misconduct, the release of arrested protesters, retraction of the official characterisation of the protests as riots, and Chief Executive Carrie Lam's resignation along with the introduction of universal suffrage for election of the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive."   ),

"Despite a demonstration attended by hundreds of thousands on 9 June, the government proceeded with the bill. Protesters gathered outside the Legislative Council Complex to stall the bill's second reading on 12 June, resulting in an intense standoff between the protesters and the police, who deployed tear gas and rubber bullets.An even bigger march took place on 16 June, just one day after the suspension of the bill, as protesters insisted on the complete withdrawal of the bill and reacted to the perceived excessive use of force by the police on 12 June. The anniversary of the handover on 1 July saw the storming of the Legislative Council Complex,and subsequent protests throughout the summer spread to different districts. The police's inaction when suspected triad members assaulted protesters and commuters in Yuen Long on 21 July and the police storming of Prince Edward station on 31 August caused further escalation of the protests."),
"Lam refused to withdraw the bill until 4 September,but still refused to concede on the other four demands. Large-scale demonstrations occurred on 1 October, the National Day. During a skirmish in Tsuen Wan, an 18-year-old protester was shot whilst swinging a rod at a police officer. Claiming to curb further protests, Lam invoked the Emergency Regulations Ordinance on 4 October to implement an anti-mask law, to counterproductive effect. As the protests dragged on, confrontations escalated as both sides became increasingly violent. The number of police brutality and misconduct allegations continued to increased.In response, some protesters escalated their use of radical methods such as throwing petrol bombs,conducting vigilante attacks against perceived provocateurs,and vandalising supposed pro-Beijing entities.Rifts within society widened as activists from both sides have assaulted each other, with lawmakers from both sides and protest organisers being attacked or intimidated.The deaths of students Chan Yin-lam in September and Chow Tsz-lok in November, as well as the shooting of an unarmed 21-year-old protester in November, further intensified the protests. Protesters have also briefly occupied university campuses to block key thoroughfares. The police reacted by besieging the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) which resulted in a large number of injuries and arrests."),
"The government and the police have received the lowest approval ratings since the 1997 handover in public opinion polls.Their performance contributed to the unprecedented landslide victory of the pro-democratic bloc in the 2019 District Council election, which was widely viewed as a de facto referendum on the protest movement.The Central People's Government has characterised the protests as the worst crisis in Hong Kong since the handover in 1997 and alleged that foreign powers were instigating the conflict,though the protests, which continued through to 2020, have been largely described as leaderless.The United States passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on 27 November to support the protest movement;solidarity rallies were held in dozens of cities abroad. Counter-protesters have held several pro-police rallies."),
"Since the protest movement began, there have been two deaths: Chow Tsz-lok, a student who fell to his death inside a car park in Tseung Kwan O,and Luo Changqing, an elderly man who died after being struck on the head by a brick thrown by a protester during a confrontation between a group of protesters and several Sheung Shui residents,[who were trying to clear bricks from the road. In addition, public health experts have identified the protests as a significant stressor related to suicides and protesters have linked it to at least nine suicides");`
sunny19879394 commented 3 years ago



sunny19879394 commented 3 years ago

[ ZHH3 ZHHdd ZH22


Today's work

sunny19879394 commented 3 years ago

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LocalizedText (Language, Tag, Text) VALUES

-- Leader


-- UA

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_TRAIT_LEADER_SUNNY_HONGKONGERS_UA_NAME",  "光復香港,時代革命"  ),
"可用信仰值[ICON_faith]購買步兵單位,遠程攻擊單位,攻城單位和建造者.[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]如在過去20回合內收到宣戰書,或發動解放戰爭或護國戰爭, 則+ 100% 信仰值[ICON_faith] 和文化值[ICON_Culture][NEWLINE][NEWLINE]戰鬥勝利可獲得等同於被擊敗單位戰鬥力[ICON_Strength]25%科技值[ICON_science]25%,50%文化值[ICON_culture]和 100%信仰值 [ICON_faith][NEWLINE][NEWLINE] 建立城市後免費獲得1個和理非單位和建造者[NEWLINE][NEWLINE][COLOR_FLOAT_FAITH]我地冇收過錢搞事[ENDCOLOR][NEWLINE]不能用黃金[ICON_Gold]購買軍事單位[NEWLINE][NEWLINE][COLOR_FLOAT_FAITH]國際戰線:[ENDCOLOR][NEWLINE]每回合每20點[ICON_Tourism]旅遊業績可獲得1點[ICON_FAVOR]外交支持"    ),

-- Agenda

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_AGENDA_SUNNY_HONGKONGERS_NAME",    "五大訴求,缺一不可" ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_AGENDA_SUNNY_HONGKONGERS_DESCRIPTION", "與國家交戰後不會議和"    ),

-- DOM

"滿口謊言、滿口歪理的政府卻無意回應香港人不斷走上街的訴求。我們只好以公義、良知、以及對香港、對香港人無窮無盡的愛,去抗衡橫蠻的政府。「反送中運動」發展至今,在三位年輕市民殉道。我等未忘憂憤,然心存善念,不願香港再有為民主、為自由、為公義再添亡魂。希望社會大眾團結一致,對抗惡法,對抗暴政,共同守護香港。"   ),

-- Diplos First Meet
-- First AI Line (ANY)
"你好呀!歡迎來到香港" ),

-- AI invitation to visit nearby City (ANY)
"唔介意可以來香港睇睇"    ),

-- AI accepts human invitation (ANY)
"好呀, 冇問題"   ),

-- AI invitation to exchange Capital Information (ANY)
"方便的話互相交換吓資訊?"  ),

-- Diplos Greetings
-- (HAPPY)
"好耐冇見, 有咩野筍野益我?"    ),

"又點呀?"  ),

-- Diplos Delegation
-- AI Accepts (ANY)
"我地歡迎你地來玩耐D,記住食埋個雞蛋仔先走" ),

-- AI Rejects (ANY)
"香港太迫了唔歡迎你地"    ),

-- AI Requests (ANY)
"少少意思,不成敬意" ),

-- Diplos Open Borders
-- AI accepts from human (ANY)  
"我地不嬲都好友善, 隨便參觀"    ),

-- AI rejects from human (ANY)  
"你完全信唔過, NO WAY."   ),

-- AI requests from human (ANY) 
"我地同暴政大戰緊, 可唔可以俾我地進入貴境呢?"   ),

-- Diplos Declare Friendship
-- AI accepts from human (ANY)
"願我們兩地情同兄弟" ),

-- AI rejects from human (ANY)  
"家陣同你好熟?"   ),

-- AI Requests friendship from human (ANY)  
"不如我地做個好朋友?"    ),

-- Human accepts AI requests, AI responds (ANY) 
"多謝你地支持我地"  ),

-- Human rejects AI requests, AI responds (ANY) 
"唉..唔緊要."   ),

-- Diplos Alliance
-- AI Requests an alliance from human (ANY)
"面對暴政你地都唔可以獨善其身, 考慮吓結盟吧"    ),

-- Diplos Kudos & Warnings
-- AI Kudos (ANY)
"你咁少野發展唔通想玩焦土?" ),

-- AI Warnings (ANY)
"我勸你增增兵好點"  ),

-- Diplos Troops Near Border
-- AI warns player for border troops (HAPPY)
"你軍隊咁近係想揾我咩事?"  ),

-- AI warns player for border troops (UNHAPPY)
"你好似踩過界喎"   ),

-- AI accepts player's warning for border troops warning (HAPPY)
"唔好意思, 我地盡快撤軍"  ),

-- AI accepts player's warning for border troops warning (UNHAPPY)
"我軍隊要去邊唔洗你管, 今日順吓你意暫時撤退."   ),

-- AI rejects player's warning for border troops warning (ANY) ~ DECLARES WAR

-- Diplos Settling Too Close
-- AI warns player for settling too close (HAPPY)
"你下次建城可以遠少少, 唔洗咁親密."    ),

-- AI warns player for settling too close (UNHAPPY)
"你起城咁近係想送俾我打?"  ),

-- Positive AI response to human request (HAPPY)
"唔好意思, 我冇心的, 下次會小心點"    ),

-- Positive AI response to human request (UNHAPPY)
"吓? 這塊地唔係住土蕃咩? 唉....算啦算啦"   ),

-- Negative AI response to human request (HAPPY)
"唔好咁緊張, 我地可以和平共處."  ),

-- Negative AI response to human request (UNHAPPY)
"咁叻叻咪打啦笨"   ),

-- Diplos Trade
-- AI Accepts Deal (HAPPY)
"好嘢"    ),

-- AI Accepts Deal (Unhappy)
"今次我忍你."    ),

-- AI Rejects Deal (HAPPY)
"咁好似唔係幾好喎"  ),

-- AI Rejects Deal (Unhappy)
"你都痴痴地" ),

-- Diplos Denounce
-- Human denounce, AI responds
"聽你地都係口交部得過講字"  ),

-- From AI
"I你地殘暴不仁,唔聽民意 (譴責你)"    ),

-- Diplos Declarations of War
-- Human Declares War, AI responds
"我地香港人係唔會驚嫁"    ),

-- AI Declares War
"光復香港,時代革命" ), 

-- Diplos Make Peace
-- AI accepts from human
"好的, 之前的事當粉筆字抺咗佢算吧" ),

-- AI refuses human
"我地係唔會屈服的"  ),

-- AI requests from human
"大家都攰了, 不如停戰?"  ),

-- Diplos Defeat
-- AI is Defeated
"OK URINE"  ),

-- Human is Defeated (will see this in hotseat)

-- Quote and Pedia

"光復香港,時代革命"  ),


"爭取自由的人民"   ),

"香港人平時只係不問世事的港豬, 但係因為政府實在太過份了, 令到越來越多人覺醒走出來分對暴政. 又因為已經多次被代表和欺騙, 所以香港人明白到沒有大台的重要,因信念走出來的人兄弟爬山, 各有各做, 在不同的層面上反擊"),

"香港最困難的地方是土地不足(一城)和沒有足夠武力. 開局可以以防守為主, 好好善用信仰值激出更多勇武, 用和理非去做後援. 努力建設以獲得商路支持城市發展, 好好計劃奇觀建造位置和同各國外交關係. 發展旅遊並好好運用外交點數的優勢以獲取外交勝利"    ),

"香港文化由港人主導,兼具講求創新與實惠的嶺南文化與強調經驗與實用的英國文化和美国文化。統治階級崇尚精英主義 ,代民攝政;不需治國而巧遇經濟起飛的中產階級則以功利主義 、紳士精神、任勞任怨、節儉和機巧自居。市民有個人主義和雷同美國夢的企業家精神 ,重視江湖義氣 、同甘同苦。"),
sunny19879394 commented 3 years ago

/ Localisation Authors: ChimpanG, SeelingCat /

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO LocalizedText (Language, Tag, Text) VALUES

-- Civilization

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CIVILIZATION_SUNNY_HONGKONG_NAME",     "香港"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CIVILIZATION_SUNNY_HONGKONG_ADJECTIVE",    "香港的"           ),

-- UA

"由香港前往其他文明的貿易路線[ICON_TradeRoute] 為香港+2 食物[ICON_Food], +1 生產力[ICON_Production],+1 科學值[ICON_Science],+1 文化值[ICON_Culture] 及 +2 金幣[ICON_Gold].[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]其他文明來香港的貿易路線[ICON_TradeRoute]能為他們+6 金幣,為香港+1科學值[ICON_Science]和+2文化值[ICON_Culture][NEWLINE][NEWLINE]不能向城邦宣戰或發動突襲戰爭.不能向其他文明宣佈突襲戰爭[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]訓練單位時-50% 生產力 [ICON_Production].[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]不能建造和購買開拓者[NEWLINE][NEWLINE][COLOR_FLOAT_FAITH]自由貿易:[ENDCOLOR][NEWLINE]每完成一城市建築或區域[ICON_TradeRoute]贸易路线容量+1。[NEWLINE][NEWLINE][COLOR_FLOAT_FAITH]夠細奇則:[ENDCOLOR][NEWLINE]宮殿獲得+5 住房[ICON_Housing] 和 +2 滿意度[ICON_Amenities]"  ),

-- UI

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_BUILDING_SUNNY_HONGKONG_UI_NAME",      "維多利亞港" ),
"提供 +3 食物[ICON_Food],+3 金幣[ICON_Gold]和+3生產力[ICON_Production]. 跟據所在城市人口[ICON_Citizen]提供旅遊業績[ICON_Tourism].每回合+5大商人點數"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_BUILDING_SUNNY_HONGKONG_TRES_NAME",        "茶餐廳"   ),
"提供 +6 食物[ICON_Food]. 提供+4旅遊業績[ICON_Tourism]. 完成時,隨機免費獲得2項現代市政鼓舞时刻" ),

-- UU

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_UNIT_SUNNY_HONGKONG_UU_NAME",  "和理非"   ),
"只能使用 [ICON_FAITH]信仰 購買的輔助戰鬥類平民單位,為相鄰的駐紮單位提供+5額外治療[NEWLINE]弱化身邊每個敵人-2[ICON_Strength]戰鬥力(此效果可疊加)[NEWLINE]當身處首都13格範圍內,強化身邊每個同伴+2[ICON_Strength]戰鬥力(此效果可疊加)"   ),

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_ABILITY_PREVIEW_SUNNY_HONGKONG_UU_DESCRIPTION",  "和理非為相鄰的駐紮單位提供+5額外治療" ),
("en_US",   "LOC_ABILITY_COMBAT_PREVIEW_SUNNY_HK_UU_NEG_DESCRIPTION",  "{1_Amount} 和理非弱化身邊每個敵人 "    ),
("en_US",   "LOC_ABILITY_COMBAT_PREVIEW_SUNNY_HK_UU_BONUS_DESCRIPTION",  "+{1_Amount}和理非當身處首都13格範圍內,強化身邊每個同伴"   ),

-- Mountains

    ("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_ALMAJ",      "大帽山"      ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_BIHOR",      "鳳凰山"      ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_BUCEGI",     "大東山"      ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_FAGARAS",    "青山"   ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_GODEANU",    "獅子山"  ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_RETEZAT",    "馬鞍山"  ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_VRANCEA",    "馬騮山"  ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_SUREANU",    "飛鵝山   "   ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_MOUNTAIN_TARCU",      "太平山"      ),

-- Rivers

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_MURES",        "曹公潭"       ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_PRUT",         "錦田河"       ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_OLT",          "山貝河"           ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_SIRET",        "城門河"       ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_IALOMITA",     "大欖涌"   ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_SOMES",        "蠔涌河"       ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_ARGES",        "九肚坑"       ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_JIU",          "林村河"           ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_BUZAU",        "沙頭角河"      ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_RIVER_DAMBOVITA",    "深圳河"   ),

-- Volcanoes

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_DESERT_OLTENIA",     "沙漠"    ),

-- Volcanoes

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_NAMED_VOLCANO_CIOMADUL",   "大火山"           ),

-- Cities

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_1",  "香港"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_2",  "太子"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_3",  "新界"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_4",  "大嶼山"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_5",  "金鐘"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_6",  "旺角"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_7",  "九龍"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_8",  "鰂魚涌"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_9",  "中環"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_10",  "深水埗"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_11",  "將軍澳"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_12",  "元朗"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_13",  "沙田"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_14",  "北角"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_15",  "荃灣"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_16",  "黃大仙"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_17",  "火炭"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_18",  "油麻地"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_19",  "大埔"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_20",  "天水圍"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_21",  "青衣"),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITY_NAME_SUNNY_HONGKONG_22",  "東涌"),

-- Citizens

("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_1",        "家樂"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_2",        "浩然"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_3",        "家俊"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_4",        "俊傑"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_5",        "嘉豪"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_6",        "志傑"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_7",        "偉文"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_8",        "向華"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_9",        "子聰"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_MALE_10",       "偉明"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_1",      "嘉欣"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_2",      "家欣"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_3",      "家雯"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_4",      "一心"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_5",      "英秀"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_6",      "靜欣"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_7",      "嘉兒"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_8",      "美玲"        ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_9",      "佩雯"            ),
("zh_Hant_HK",  "LOC_CITIZEN_SUNNY_HONGKONG_FEMALE_10", "潔瑩"            ),

-- Info


-- Pedia

"香港(簡稱港,雅稱香江;英語:Hong Kong,縮寫:HK、HKSAR)位於南海北岸、珠江口東側,西隔珠江與澳門及廣東省珠海市相望,北接廣東省深圳市,南與南海鄰接,是中華人民共和國的特別行政區。全境由香港島、九龍和新界組成;地理環境上則由九龍半島等大陸土地,以及263個島嶼構成。截至2018年,香港人口約748萬人。"),    
"維多利亞港(簡稱維港;英語:Victoria Harbour)是位於香港的海港,位處香港島與九龍半島之間,為香港市中心重要的地理區塊。由於港闊水深,又屬天然良港,香港亦因此有「東方之珠」的美譽。"),
"和理非"   ),
"「和理非」是和平、理性、非暴力的簡稱,是香港民主派的常用術語,最早由民主黨司徒華用於形容六四事件期間的北京學生與民眾,後來成為泛民主派的核心價值。此術語後來出現了若干變體,包括民主黨劉慧卿提出的「和理非非」(同時包含「非粗口」)[1],以及反對逃犯條例修訂草案運動中劉頴匡等本土派提出的「和理優」(以「優雅」代替「非暴力」)等;2019年7月26日香港反對逃犯條例修訂草案集會中的機場集會的別名「和你飛」亦是「和理非」的粤语諧音。此術語自雨傘革命後與採取帶有暴力色彩的行動抗爭的「勇武派」相對,並曾一度對立。"    ),
"陶傑及陳詠燊等評論家認為,持有此觀念的人過分理想主義,有著不切實際的理想,且有時會因追求平等、大愛與和平運動而放棄社會正義,並稱該等人為「左膠」。曾提出「和理非非」的劉慧卿則認為香港的主流民眾屬於「和理非」。"  );