sunnycupertino / cordova-plugin-admob-simple

Cordova plugin allowing Admob interstitials and banner ads.
MIT License
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iOS title bar overlaps #3

Closed stillatmylinux closed 8 years ago

stillatmylinux commented 8 years ago

Would it be possible to reduce the webview by about 20px on top for iOS so the status bar doesn't overlap when there is a banner ad at the bottom?

sunnycupertino commented 8 years ago

When the ad is not displayed does the overlap still happen? It's not really within the bounds of the plugin to change the size of the webview. It either ads the ad to the webview, or ads it over the top, using the 'overlap' variable which you can set in the javascript.

If the overlap is occurring because of the ad (eg it doesn't occur without it) then set overlap: true in the plugin settings and the webview should stay the same size.

Let me know how you go.

stillatmylinux commented 8 years ago

I figured out my problem. I was assigning ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx using a local variable. When I left out the iOS interstitial ad, my code ended up assigning false to that option. Like this:

admobid.interstitial = false; // Error.  I should have this as an empty string instead of false
    publisherId: admobid.banner,
    interstitialAdId: admobid.interstitial,

When I did this my app would sometimes crash or have issues with the statusbar overlapping. Also it would ignore the overlap, offsetTopBar and isTesting options. Once I changed that to an empty string everything worked.

sunnycupertino commented 8 years ago

Ok glad it's sorted. Thanks for letting me know.