sunnydl / GamePerformanceTracker

Team project for CSE 115A in Fall 2021, UCSC
3 stars 0 forks source link

Add ranked icon and refactor overview user summary display #55

Closed sunnydl closed 2 years ago

sunnydl commented 2 years ago


So if user is gold then we should display the gold icon, if challenger then challenger icon...

Assets of these can be obtained from,Icons%20and%20Emblems,-The%20emblems%20and

If there is no way to get it from Riot's public hosting (data dragon), then would have to download the files and include them in frontend assets folder

sunnydl commented 2 years ago

Summoner rank icon should be put on the same line of rank, so example of that would be

Rank:                                      <SummonerRankIcon/> {rank}
League Points:                                         {leaguePoints}
Level:                                                        {level}
WinRate:                                                   <WinRate/>

Since you are touching the overview page could you also make the winRate display like what you did for leaderboard? (So WinRate instead of Win and Loss)