sunnyhasija / Academic-Doom-Emacs-Config

My doom emacs configuration files
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company-org-roam configuration + #7

Closed Ziip-dev closed 3 years ago

Ziip-dev commented 3 years ago


Thanks a lot for this guide, I need to clarify two things though as I struggle to understand all the mechanics of your config:

sunnyhasija commented 3 years ago

Hey @Ziip-dev

1) I did not need to configure company-org-roam to have it work. I can investigate this weekend. 2) That file doesn't need to exist, its an artifact from when I was not using org-roam. Thanks for bringing it up, I will clean it up.

Ziip-dev commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the details :) Please can you keep me updated if you find out how company-org-roam automatically gets activated? It never is in my case when I enter a roam buffer

sunnyhasija commented 3 years ago

@Ziip-dev after investigation, I found that company-mode needs to be activated for company-org-roam to work. I have company enabled in my init.el under :completion. So everytime I start emacs, company is already started and therefore company-org-roam works.

Hope this answers your question.