sunnyyoung / WeChatTweak-macOS

A dynamic library tweak for WeChat macOS - 首款微信 macOS 客户端撤回拦截与多开 🔨
Apache License 2.0
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安装并重启微信后没有设置界面 #701

Open AllenZhang29 opened 11 months ago

AllenZhang29 commented 11 months ago

开发者你好,我在用 brew 命令安装后并未发现微信出现变化,参照其他 issue 中所说重启微信或command+,调出设置界面也没有看到任何变化。想请教下是有什么地方我疏漏了吗?谢谢。 CleanShot 2023-10-03 at 18 13 28@2x CleanShot 2023-10-03 at 18 13 38@2x

shackleyu commented 11 months ago

首次使用安装 WeChatTweak-CLI:

brew install sunnyyoung/repo/wechattweak-cli 安装/更新/卸载 Tweak:

sudo wechattweak-cli install # 安装/更新 sudo wechattweak-cli uninstall # 卸载

ClockworkTree commented 11 months ago


gssteelyoursugar commented 10 months ago

brew install sunnyyoung/repo/wechattweak-cli 完之后你要sudo wechattweak-cli install 安装一下, 如果报错的话, 去系统权限设置那里 设置一下 完全磁盘访问权限 就可以了。

Lsj-64 commented 10 months ago


brew install sunnyyoung/repo/wechattweak-cli 之后你要 sudo wechattweak-cli install 安装一下,如果报错的话,去系统权限设置那里设置一下完全磁盘访问权限就可以了。

gssteelyoursugar commented 10 months ago


brew install sunnyyoung/repo/wechattweak-cli 之后你要 sudo wechattweak-cli install 安装一下,如果报错的话,去系统权限设置那里设置一下完全磁盘访问权限就可以了。

不是设置wechattweak-cli的访问权限, 是设置终端的权限。报错的原因是终端访问不到WeChat里面的文件,给了权限就可以install了 。 系统设置-> 隐私与安全性->完全磁盘访问权限

Lsj-64 commented 10 months ago

------ Download ------ ------ Unzip ------ Execute command: rm -rf /Applications/; unzip /tmp/ -d /Applications/ ------ Backup ------ WeChat.bak exists, skip it... ------ Remove Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --remove-sign /Applications/ ------ Insert Dylib ------ Binary is a fat binary with 2 archs. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Added LC_LOAD_DYLIB to all archs in /Applications/ ------ Add Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ Install failed: Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ failed: { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = "wechattweak-cli"; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = 1; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {0, 97}"; }

这是我的报错信息,请问是给谁权限? 系统设置-隐私与安全性-App管理-iTerm(终端)选中。我给了终端权限后,还是会安装失败。 系统设置-隐私与安全性-完全磁盘访问iTerm(终端)选中。选了之后还是会安装失败。什么原因呢

gssteelyoursugar commented 10 months ago

------ Download ------ ------ Unzip ------ Execute command: rm -rf /Applications/; unzip /tmp/ -d /Applications/ ------ Backup ------ WeChat.bak exists, skip it... ------ Remove Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --remove-sign /Applications/ ------ Insert Dylib ------ Binary is a fat binary with 2 archs. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Added LC_LOAD_DYLIB to all archs in /Applications/ ------ Add Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ Install failed: Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ failed: { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = "wechattweak-cli"; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = 1; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {0, 97}"; }

这是我的报错信息,请问是给谁权限? 我给了终端权限后,还是会安装失败。

额 我也不懂 没遇到这种错误,我还挺顺利的,安装之后功能都生效的。 建议更新一下微信或者重新安装一下微信。

Lsj-64 commented 10 months ago

------ Download ------ ------ Unzip ------ Execute command: rm -rf /Applications/; unzip /tmp/ -d /Applications/ ------ Backup ------ WeChat.bak exists, skip it... ------ Remove Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --remove-sign /Applications/ ------ Insert Dylib ------ Binary is a fat binary with 2 archs. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Added LC_LOAD_DYLIB to all archs in /Applications/ ------ Add Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ Install failed: Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ failed: { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = "wechattweak-cli"; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = 1; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {0, 97}"; } 这是我的报错信息,请问是给谁权限? 我给了终端权限后,还是会安装失败。

额 我也不懂 没遇到这种错误,我还挺顺利的,安装之后功能都生效的。 建议更新一下微信或者重新安装一下微信。


Lsj-64 commented 10 months ago

------ Download ------ ------ Unzip ------ Execute command: rm -rf /Applications/; unzip /tmp/ -d /Applications/ ------ Backup ------ WeChat.bak exists, skip it... ------ Remove Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --remove-sign /Applications/ ------ Insert Dylib ------ Binary is a fat binary with 2 archs. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Binary already contains a load command for that dylib. Skip it. Added LC_LOAD_DYLIB to all archs in /Applications/ ------ Add Codesign ------ Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ Install failed: Execute command: codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ failed: { NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = "wechattweak-cli"; NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "/Applications/ internal error in Code Signing subsystem"; NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = 1; NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {0, 97}"; } 这是我的报错信息,请问是给谁权限? 我给了终端权限后,还是会安装失败。

额 我也不懂 没遇到这种错误,我还挺顺利的,安装之后功能都生效的。 建议更新一下微信或者重新安装一下微信。
