I want to reproduce this work on my platform. It seems the environment is already set up.
(the torch version is 1.12.1+cu113, the gcc version is 7.5.0, and the nvcc version is 11.0.194)
However, when I ran the command "python run.py --config configs/nerf/hotdog.py --render_test", the overflow issue occurred.
Following is the Traceback code.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "run.py", line 630, in <module>
train(args, cfg, data_dict)
File "run.py", line 545, in train
data_dict=data_dict, stage='coarse')
File "run.py", line 449, in scene_rep_reconstruction
File "/opt/pyenv/versions/mlhw/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1130, in _call_impl
return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/user/DirectVoxGO/lib/dvgo.py", line 309, in forward
rays_o=rays_o, rays_d=rays_d, **render_kwargs)
File "/home/user/DirectVoxGO/lib/dvgo.py", line 288, in sample_ray
ray_pts, mask_outbbox, ray_id, step_id, N_steps, t_min, t_max = render_utils_cuda.sample_pts_on_rays(
RuntimeError: value cannot be converted to type int without overflow
I want to reproduce this work on my platform. It seems the environment is already set up.
(the torch version is 1.12.1+cu113, the gcc version is 7.5.0, and the nvcc version is 11.0.194)
However, when I ran the command "python run.py --config configs/nerf/hotdog.py --render_test", the overflow issue occurred.
Following is the Traceback code.