sunspec / models

SunSpec Model Definitions
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Model 702 - Should absorption ratings and setting be a negative number #204

Closed bobfox closed 3 years ago

bobfox commented 3 years ago

Currently VarMaxAbsRtg is unsigned. Absorption is in the name but it seems more intuitive for the setting to be negative. The var ratings in quadrants 2 and 3 in model 120 are signed and expected to be negative.

FW22 commented 3 years ago

At SMA we treat all parameters related to reactive power absorption as signed and use negative values. Even if this might be confusing because of the term “max”.

FW22 commented 3 years ago

Reactive power absorption applies to quadrants 3 and 4 (not 2 and 3 as you stated). And my understanding of IEEE1547 is, that this standard covers active power feed-in quadrants 1 and 4 only. As such, the 702-VarMaxAbsRtg is the equivalent to 120-VArMaxQ4 and 702-VarMaxInjRtg is the equivalent to 120-VArMaxQ1. There is no 702-equivalent for 120-VArMaxQ2 ans 120-VArMaxQ3. Please correct me if I missed something...

bobfox commented 3 years ago

You are right of course. I was thinking about active power relative to the quadrants for some reason. I meant 1 and 4 for reactive power.

We need to change the VarMaxAbsRtg and VarMaxAbs from uint16 to int16.

bobfox commented 3 years ago

After discussion in the SunSpec Modbus workgroup today, the consensus is to leave the VarMaxAbsRtg and VarMaxAbs unsigned. The following factors led to favoring this approach: